"Lex Luger is one of the top names in pro wrestling."
whats so funny about that??
luger was easily one of the biggest names in wrestling back in the day.
Why do You assume I watched that movie?
well this is a hip-hop board.
and that was like the last big mainstream movie we had, and its still somewhat modern.
I guess you dont know about Cripple H, Karen Jarrett, Victoria, Sunny, The Bellas, maybe Alexa Bliss..
karent jarrett & Victoria tho?
you need to do a thread on this stuff.
Cripple H=Stephanie McMahon
Bellas=Bryan and Cena
Bliss =Exectutive? Sasha may know something
iirc, Victoria was womens champion before cena even blew up.
yea, bliss got rumors on her head. I remember nia jaxx hinting at it on twitter a while ago.
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