What are some good skills/traits to be a programmer/developer?
What are good languages for someone starting from scratch? I'm looking towards either mobile development or web development
Probably the best trait is patience. Patience to continue to learn new things and patience to troubleshoot idiotic issues that you'll get.
As for languages, it's kind of tough to say. Both web development and mobile development usually have two facets to them - server side and client side. Mobile development has this because a lot of times, data is pulled from an API on some server. So the server receives requests and your code uses the request data to understand what the output should be, generate that and then send that output in some response. There's no real graphical interface to this. You're just sending bits over the web. Then for both mobile and web you have the "Client" experience, or the front-end experience. This is the part your user sees. The client code determins how the response from the server gets shown in HTML or in your mobile code. Anyway, there are different languages for all of this.
If you want to focus on mobile, you can't go wrong with Objective C. It's limited to iOS and apple development but it's a good language to know. I'd probably suggest Ruby on Rails though. There are plenty of people here going the same route via CodeAcademy or CodeSchool so there's plenty of aids in this area. Ruby on Rails is a web development framework and there are plenty of good tutorials at the aforementioned sites.