All Star
looking for a miner gui software for GPU. i don't care about the coin. i just need a one click app for Windows. whats good out there?
I’m gonna buy bitcoin at $3100 and sell at $6450 in 2-3 months (please sticky this comment and bring it back up when th price hits $6450).
Don't sell. It'll be 6.5k shortly. Like 2 weeks max.
Ethereum Classic got hit with that Double Spend.
Going to a Grin Meetup later today, Yeastplume will be there. Was also at a Beam Meetup in December (Both Beam and Grin are implementations of Mimblewimble). There were like 10 people at the Beam Meetup (including myself). My takeaway from the Meetup is that Beam isn't for me, they remind me of Zcash.
shyt is dead.
LOL people dont realize that we are still on the ground floor of smart contracts, nothing wrong with ethereum, its waaaay ahead of everything
Whats the word on these onesI am still all in. Just been accumulatibg in legit ish like Zilliqa, Medibloc, TeFood, Telcoin
Word.shyt is dead.