I've been in crypto for close to 3 years now. My spreadsheet says my total fiat in is a little over 8300. My outbound is over 113,000 and my portfolio is still six digits. Im at the point where it doesn't matter if crypto crashed to 0 forever I would still be over 100k up. But once you reach that point, you are also 2 or 3 bullruns from deep 7 figures which could turn into retirement money, so Im still as addicted to this shyt as I was day 1.
The best thing about it is that its quiet money. We have paid off one car and replaced another and have started to chunk away at the mortgage; and we are able to do this without family begging our asses off to hold a stack here or there
Nobody knows when you sell your crypto to fiat except you and the IRS man; I can't begin to explain how much easier it is to spend extra money without nikkas begging.