Check Rogue Money Report, they discuss every aspect of cryptos and do it in a way that is like having lunch or beer anf shooting the breeze..
was worried I was too late to the antshares train but it looks like there's still some more to go
jumped in at .0036
its at .00500
thanks @BucciMane
How much worth of Antshares did that get you?.
I put in about 1.94 worth of BTC into Antshares and it's valued at 4.0 BTC right now. All within the past 18 hours..
How much worth of Antshares did that get you?
Seemed like a smart move from how its playing outIt got me 879 Antshares, which were around $5.70 when I got them, and they're at $11.52 now. I didn't go too crazy, but not bad for 24 hours..
I was going to put more in, but I decided to play it a little safe and not jump all in on it.
Which exchanges can I buy AntShare from?
bittrex, price just dropped too.