Norrin Radd
To me, my board!
My bad, I meant after idk why I typed forhe returns AFTER crisis. that was already confirmed. the title of the article even says AFTER
Hoechlin really does look tiny next to Routh
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My bad, I meant after idk why I typed forhe returns AFTER crisis. that was already confirmed. the title of the article even says AFTER
Well we know it wasn't Earth-1they still NEVER said what Earth BL was from
That’s my Superman
Hell if DC wanna have like separate universes that have different Jokers.
I would love them to green light another Superman movie with Brandon
Yea dude played Superman very well, much better than the other Superman from the regular world.
Yeah def cosign about black lightning. Especially this 3rd season, with odellMan I'm entertained and all but , none of this shyt has anywhere near the depth of Black Lightning writing wise or basic entertainment .
I just re-watched the multiverse episode with the 3 Jennifers and god damn that shyt was excellent in every way. BL is not really a super hero show, the family element is the strongest point but the action is consistently dope. The soul clap to Painkiller was .
All in all, I can't see myself watching any of the other shows at all, the humor attempts were kinda corny and nowhere near as natural as Marvel does their humor. I like the Supergirl character, she seems like a dope actress so far, she fits the role well.