Official Coli Raw Ratings Thread

May 2, 2012
And it still couldn't beat Trump, Cena and HBK when it counts on the tv screen.

Anyone can raise ticket prices.

2 million buys wouldn't mean shyt if all you charged was a dollar, it was the biggest money show in wrestling history, that's what matters.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
And it still couldn't beat Trump, Cena and HBK when it counts on the tv screen.

Anyone can raise ticket prices.

Trump/McMahon was the draw...LOL@you thinking Cena is anything CLOSE to a PPV draw. I'm surprised WM 28 did what it did considering the booking and Cena being the opponent. He's a drawback..not anyone who adds buys. He hasn't done shyt on PPV since WM 22.

Dave Meltzer said:
17 is biggest domestically
May 2, 2012
posts are edited according to champ reign (hence punk having such a long post on page 1, its up to date)
May 2, 2012
Well, with that last 2012 breakdown, for those that care, here are the gains/losses from the 9PM (3 hour shows only), 10PM, and Overrun spots. I included the ratings for the ones I knew, but the ones that don't have one or if there's something that's incorrect, feel free to let me know:

9PM Slot(3-hour shows):
12/31: 465,000 (2.5)- Punk/Heyman/Vince
12/24: 550,000 (2.4)- Show/Sheamus
12/17: 605,000 (3.20)- Flair/Punk/Heyman/Cena
12/10: 201,000 (2.87)- Sheamus/Ziggler and end of Punk/Heyman
12/3: 138,000 (2.63)- Cena-Sheamus/Show-Ziggler
11/26: 90,000 (??)- Vickie/AJ/Cena/Dolph and Kofi/Tensai
11/19: 195,000 (2.85)- Vickie/AJ/Cena
11/12: 745,000 (3.38)- Lawler/Punk/Heyman/Foley
11/5: 341,000 (??)- Maddox/Vince/Vickie
10/29: 373,000 (3.25)- Cena/Guerrero
10/22: 529,000 (2.94)- Vince/AJ/Heyman/Vickie
10/15: 512,000 (3.04)- Ryback/Ziggler-Otunga
10/8: 466,000 (2.92)- Barrett/Sheamus
10/1: 421,000 (??)- Show/Sheamus debate
9/24: 877,000 (3.2)- Punk/Foley
9/17: 381,000 (??)- Miz/Booker T/Ryback
9/10: 555,000 (??)- Punk/Orton
9/3: 370,000 (??)- Anger Management and Punk/Sheamus

8/27: 525,000 (??)- Cena/Miz
8/20: 280,000 (??)- Orton/Del Rio
8/13: 516,000 (??)- Piper/Jericho/Ziggler/Miz
8/6: 480,000 (??)- Orton/Show
7/30: 521,000 (??)- Bryan/Sheamus
7/23: 616,000 (3.91)- Bryan/AJ Wedding
6/11: 978,000 (??)- Bryan/Punk/Kane/AJ
4/23: 865,000 (??)- Kane/Orton/Bearer

10PM Slot:
12/31: +0 (2.2)- Show/Ricardo
12/24: 140,000 (2.5)- Punk/Heyman/Ryback
12/17: -502,000 (2.64)- 3MB/DelRio-Miz-Dreamer
12/10: 115,000 (2.78)- Vickie/AJ
12/3: 493,000 (2.73)- Vince/Vickie
11/26: -17,000 (2.70)- Cena/Ziggler
11/19: 105,000(??)- Sandow/Sheamus
11/12: 755,000 (3.28)- Ryback/Maddoxx
11/5: -49,000 (??)- Del Rio/Kofi
10/29: 324,000 (2.94)- Sheamus/Show
10/22: 62,000 (??)- Team Hell No/Rhodes Scholars and Show/Kane
10/15: 279,000 (??)- Barrett/Sheamus
10/8: 210,000- (2.84)- Bryan-Kane/Ziggler-Del Rio
10/1: -63,000 (??)- Sandow/Sheamus
9/24: -129,000 (2.75)- Sheamus-Rey-Sin Cara/Del Rio-Otunga-Ricardo
9/17: -169,000 (2.78)- Kane/Bryan Hug it Out
9/10: 164,000 (3.08)- Kane-Bryan/Young-Titus
9/3: -55,000 (3.02): Kane/Bryan
8/27: 257,000 (3.51)- HHH
8/20: 199,000 (3.32)-Kane-Ryder/Bryan-Miz plus Cena/Punk
8/13: 247,000 (2.94)- Cena-Punk/Show-Bryan
8/6: 232,000 (3.45)- Lesnar/Heyman/HBK/HHH
7/30: 51,000 (3.24)- Jericho-Christian/Miz-Ziggler
7/23: 424,000 (334,000+90,000) (??)- Heyman/HHH/Stephanie/Lesnar
7/16: 282,000 (??)- Miz-Eve/Bryan-AJ
7/9: 66,000/280,000 (??)- Cena-Kane/Jericho-Big Show
7/2: 234,000 (??)- Sheamus-AJ/Dolph-Vickie and Slater/Doink
6/25: 803,000 (3.69)- Cena/Jericho
6/18: 559,000 (3.74)- Heyman/HHH
6/11: 320,000 (3.59)- Show/Kofi
6/4: 340,000 (2.93-3.02)- Punk/Kane
5/28: -30,000 (2.79)- Punk/Bryan
5/21: 390,000 (3.01)- Kane/Bryan w/ Punk (?)
5/14: 1,033,000 (3.37)- Kane/Show/Laurinaitis
5/7: 191,000 (2.89)- Sheamus-Orton/Jericho-Del Rio
4/30: -68,000 (??)- Orton/Swagger
4/23: 270,000 (3.63)- Punk/Jericho
4/16: 400,000 (??)- Cena
4/9: 379,000 (3.19)- Punk/Jericho
4/2: 148,000 (3.6)- Punk/Henry
3/26: 132,000 (2.96)- Punk/Christian/Jericho + Clay/Hawkins
3/19: 327,000 (3.2)- Cena/Henry w/Rock appearance
3/12: 869,000 (3.73)- Taker/HBK
3/5: 205,000 (3.20)- Punk-Sheamus/Bryan-Jericho
2/27: 388,000 (3.09)- Cena/Miz
2/20: 1,122,000 (3.85)- Taker/HHH
2/13: 822,000 (3.56)- HBK/HHH
2/6: 94,000 (??)- Punk/Jericho
1/30: 219,000 (3.54)- Punk/Bryan
1/23: 609,000 (??)- Kane/Ryder
1/16: 526,000 (??)- Over the top Challenge
1/9: 128,000 (3.0)- Punk/Swagger
1/2: 325,000 (??)- Cena/Miz

12/31: 800,000 (2.9)- Cena/Ziggler/AJ Lee
12/24: 140,000 (2.3)- Cena/Del Rio
12/17: 510,000 (3.0)- Cena-Vickie/Ziggler-AJ
12/10: 627,000 (2.96)- Cena/Show/Sheamus/Ziggler/Ryback/Shield Brawl
12/3: 509,000 (2.86) Punk/Miz Lie Detector Segment and Shield/Ryback and Team Hell No
11/26: 592,000 (2.66)- Punk/Kane and Shield/Ryback
11/19: 419,000 (2.87)- Punk 365 Title Celebration
11/12: 528,000 (2.99)- Punk/Cena
11/5: 1,084,000 (3.22)- Punk-Ziggler/Cena-Ryback
10/29: 708,000 (3.26)- Punk/Foley SVS Teams Announcement
10/22: 1,058,000 (2.89)- Punk/Sheamus
10/15: 766,000 (3.10)- Punk/McMahon/Cena/Ryback
10/8: 1,233,000 (3.46)- Punk/McMahon
10/1: 532,000 (2.7)- Punk-Ziggler/Bryan-Kane
9/24: 428,000 (2.74)- Punk/Cena/Heyman
9/17: 823,000 (3.14)- Punk-Del Rio/Sheamus-Cena
9/10: 411,000 (3.11)- Cena/Hart/Punk
9/3: 442,000 (2.99)- Cena/Del Rio
8/27: 479,000 (3.35)- Punk/Lawler
8/20: 446,000 (3.36)- Punk/Cena/Lawler
8/13: 817,000 (3.44)- Lesnar/HBK
8/6: 345,000 (3.27)- Cena/Bryan
7/30: 1,181,000 (3.86)- Cena/Show w/ Punk
7/23: 389,000 (4.43)- Punk/Cena w/ Show-Rock
7/16: 719,000 (3.99)- Punk/Show w/ Cena
7/9: 711,000 (??)- Punk-AJ/Bryan-Eve
7/2: 684,000 (3.47)- Cena-Punk/Bryan-Show-
6/25: 567,000 (3.57)- Cena/Jericho
6/18: 573,000 (3.74)- Cena/Laurniatis-Otunga
6/11: 721,000 (3.99)- Vince/Laurniatis/Cena/Show
6/4: 299,000 (3.14)- Cena/Cole
5/28: 436,000 (2.91)- Show/Clay/Kingston/Truth
5/21: 878,000 (3.49)- John Cena and Sheamus vs. Tensai, Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler in the Lumberjack Match
5/14: 990,000 (3.43)- Cena/Laurinaitis
5/7: -105,000 (2.94)- Punk/Bryan-Tensai
4/30: 578,000 (3.49)- Cena/Laurinaitis/Tensai
4/23: 873,000 (3.83)- Lesnar/Cena
4/16: 319,000 (3.42)- Cena/Tensai
4/9: 301,000 (3.42)- Cena/Otunga w/ Lesnar
4/2: 1,036,000 (3.9)- Lesnar Return
3/26: 626,000 (3.57)- Rock/Cena
3/19: 597,000 (3.32)- Taker/HHH/HBK
3/12: 509,000 (3.51)- Rock concert
3/5: 763,000 (3.57)- Rock/Cena
2/27: 643,000 (3.53)- Rock
2/20: 601,000 (3.31)- Battle Royal for WWE Title match at WM
2/13: 505,000 (3.14)- Cena/Ryder/Kane
2/6: 443,000 (3.42)- Jericho vs. Punk vs. The Miz vs. R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston
1/30: 753,000 (??)- HHH/Laurnaitis/Undertaker
1/23: 761,000 (3.54)- Punk/Laurnaitis
1/16: 817,000 (3.32)- Punk, Bryan and Chris Jericho vs. Mark Henry, David Otunga and Ziggler plus the segment with Punk, Foley and John Laurinaitis
1/9: 640,000 (2.84)- Cena/Ziggler plus Cena/Kane/Ryder parking lot
1/2: 543,000 (3.26)- Cena/Kane
Just some interesting little facts:

-Highest rating was for Raw 1000's Overrun, a 4.3, for Punk vs. Cena's end with Big Show and Rock running in.

-Highest rating outside of the Raw 1000 show was tied for Punk vs. Big Show from Raw 7/16/12 with the Cena MITB announcement afterwards, and the Vince/Cena/Show/Laurinaitis segment, which was also the return of Vince if I'm not mistaken, where Vince announced if Show lost, Laurinaitis would be fired.

-Highest gain of the year was for CM Punk vs. Vince McMahon overrun which was a gain of 1,233,000.

-Highest 10PM gain was Taker/HHH Raw 2/20/12 where Taker gets HHH to accept his challenge for WM28.

-Highest 10PM rating was the same as the above.

-Highest 9PM rating outside of Raw 1000 was some Cena/Vince segment I don't remember at all.

-Highest 9PM gain since Raw moved to 3 hours was Lawler's return/Punk, Heyman, and Foley coming out after (although it should be noted, the end of the segment lost 876,000 viewers).

-Lowest overrun gain was a loss of 105,000 in the Punk vs. Bryan and Tensai main event on 5/7.
-The lowest 10PM gain (outside 3-hour shows) was a loss of 68,000 by Orton vs. Swagger on 4/30
-Lowest 10PM including 3 hour Raws was a loss of 502,000 for Del Rio, Miz, and Dreamer teaming up to face 3MB 12/17.
-Lowest 9PM gain was 90,000 for some Vickie, AJ, Cena, Dolph segment, and Kofi facing Tensai 11/26.
-Lowest overrun rating was 2.3 for Cena vs. Del Rio Christmas Eve.
-Lowest overrun rating outside of Christmas Eve was 2.6 for Punk vs. Kane with Ryback and Shield interference
-Lowest 10PM rating was Big Show vs. Ricardo from 12/31 for a 2.2
-Lowest 9PM rating was 2.4 for Show vs. Sheamus Lumberjack match Christmas Eve
-Lowest 9PM outside of Christmas Eve was Punk, Heyman, and Vince 12/31 was a 2.5.

I'm missing a lot of the ratings for the 9PM slot, as well as quite a few for the 10PM.
May 2, 2012
1/28: 3.67 (Rock becomes WWE Champion for 1st time in 10 years; highest rating since RAW 1000)
2/4: 3.54
2/11: 3.15
2/18: 3.28
2/25: 3.46
3/4: 3.52
3/11: 3.34
3/18: 3.08
3/25: 3.21
4/1: 3.1

Champion: The Rock
Average: 3.34

4/8: 3.43
4/15: 3.08
4/22: 3.1
4/29: 3.07
5/6: 2.9
5/13: 2.92
5/20: 2.96
5/27: 2.82
6/3: 2.66
6/10: 3.04
6/17: 3.0
6/24: 2.9
7/1: 2.89
7/8: 3.08
7/15: 3.04
7/22: 2.94
7/29: 2.87
8/5: 2.96
8/12: 2.95

Champion: John Cena
Average: 2.98
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May 21, 2012
1/28: 3.67 (Rock becomes WWE Champion for 1st time in 10 years; highest rating since RAW 1000)
2/4: 3.54
2/11: 3.15
2/18: 3.28
2/25: 3.46
3/4: 3.52
3/11: 3.34
3/18: 3.08
3/25: 3.21
4/1: 3.1
Champion: The Rock
Average: 3.34

4/8: 3.43
4/15: 3.08
Champion: John Cena
Average: 3.27
ratings would have been higher if rock was on every week


Apr 30, 2012
Raw on 4/15 did a 3.07 rating and 4.14 million viewers, making it the least watched episode of the show since the end of football season. The show also continued its trend of low viewership per home (1.36) as compared to show history.

One pattern that has been the case with Raw the past few weeks as well as really noticeable with Impact this week is the 8-9 p.m. hours have been consistently down. Since both shows have never had history in that time slot, since up until last year, they were both 9 p.m. starts, it looks like Daylight Savings Time hurts the first hour. With Raw, almost since the start of moving to three hours, the pattern has been for the first hour to be the biggest and losing viewers as the show goes on. Now the pattern is the second hour is the highest. Raw was the second most watched show on cable trailing The O’Reilly Factor (4.83 million viewers largely due to the coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing).

The drop from last week is to be expected, because the show after Mania usually does among the better numbers of the year. In the demo breakdown, Male teens did a 2.0 (down 20% from last week), Males 18-49 did a 2.6 (down 4%), Girl teens did a 0.8 (down 38%) and Women 18-49 did a 1.0 (down 9%). The audience was 68.6% male.

In the segment-by-segment, the show didn’t open strong with a match with Randy Orton & Sheamus vs. Big Show at 3.06. That either speaks of low interest coming out of last week or people are used to John Cena or C.M. Punk opening and talking. The segment with 3MB out, Brock Lesnar destroying them and Paul Heyman cutting a promo gained 113,000 viewers. Kofi Kingston’s U.S. title win over Antonio Cesaro lost 111,000 viewers. A replay of the Dolph Ziggler title win over Alberto Del Rio lost 10,000 viewers. The Dolph Ziggler interview with Del Rio, Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter coming out gained 241,000 viewers at 9 p.m. and did a 3.23 quarter. Daniel Bryan & Kane vs. Prime Time Players and the Ryback interview gained 33,000 viewers. Wade Barrett vs. R-Truth lost 397,000 viewers. Great Khali & Santino Marella vs. Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow lost 84,000 viewers. The Fandango interview at 10 p.m. gained 69,000 viewers which is terrible for the top of the hour, doing a 2.95 quarter. Ziggler vs. Swagger lost 232,000 viewers. The C.M. Punk interview gained 344,000 viewers which was very good for that point in the show. Kaitlyn vs. Nikki Bella gained 20,000 viewers. And the final segment with John Cena and Ryback in the ring and The Shield coming out gained 647,000 viewers to a 3.53 overrun. Most of the overrun gain was Males 18-49 going from a 2.7 to 3.2.
May 2, 2012
8/19: 3.24
8/26: 3.07
9/2: 2.85
9/9: 2.91

Champion: Randy Orton
Average: 3.02

9/16: 2.96
9/23: 2.81
9/30: 2.68
10/7: 2.65
10/14: 2.88
10/21: 2.71

Average: 2.78

10/28: 2.98
11/4: 2.75
11/11: 2.73
11/18: 2.73
11/25: 2.93
12/2: 2.65
12/9: 2.84
12/16: 2.95
12/23: 2.68
12/30: 2.97
1/6/2014: 3.23
1/13: 3.12
1/20: 3.46
1/27: 3.24
2/3: 3.15
2/10: 3.14
2/17: 3.08
2/24: 3.31
3/3: 3.26
3/10: 3.09
3/17: 2.98
3/24: 3.07
3/31: 3.14

Champion: Randy Orton
Average: 3.02

4/7: 3.7
4/14: 3.26
4/21: 2.97
4/28: 3.25
5/5: 3.02
5/12: 2.88
5/19: 2.72
5/26: 2.64

Champion: Daniel Bryan
Average: 3.06
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