Official Climate Change Thread

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Made a thread about it in TLR some months ago, and the responses were legit depressing.

I've given up trying to warn people. Its pretty safe to assume that the same ignorance observed during COVID will be observed with climate change (until about 5 or 10 years later when idiots start crying about why nobody warned them). Except this time there is no bouncing back from this. Once all the ice melts it gone and will not come back on any timescale relevant to homo sapiens.

Lets face it the future is horrific. I take no pleasure in knowing I and my kid may be the witness of or be the victims of some climate change related catastrophe. However, I will be happy seeing this destructive myth we created in our heads called capitalism utterly destroyed. I will be happy seeing all the elites scramble to hold on to some last degree of power as their world crumbles all around them and the masses want their heads on pikes. I will be happy seeing all the idiots who made a conscious decision to vote for climate change denying politicians homes destroyed by floods and washed away into the sea by super hurricanes.