Imagine if Rondo's jumpshooting was consistent :ohhh:
Grand Eeezus Maxwell "Time is when, God....lounge!!" Joined Apr 30, 2012 Messages 8,012 Reputation 961 Daps 15,592 Reppin Triple Six Mile May 26, 2012 #2,146 K-Apps said: Imagine if Rondo's jumpshooting was consistent Click to expand...
muzikfrk75 #4080 Joined Apr 30, 2012 Messages 15,510 Reputation 1,300 Daps 25,853 Reppin 336 May 26, 2012 #2,148 Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2013
G G.O.A.T All Star Joined May 4, 2012 Messages 2,584 Reputation 60 Daps 2,636 May 26, 2012 #2,149 Jrue had Ray on skates there
61 Corpses The Breh Joined May 26, 2012 Messages 12,329 Reputation 5,920 Daps 23,392 Reppin ........ May 26, 2012 #2,150 It's over
Diyhai En Causa Sui Joined May 9, 2012 Messages 13,903 Reputation 653 Daps 19,434 Reppin Baltimore May 26, 2012 #2,151 Holiday wanna shoot when the game is over
DCMC Riding Dirty On 85 Joined Apr 30, 2012 Messages 7,963 Reputation 320 Daps 7,924 Reppin SC/GA May 26, 2012 #2,152 Holiday
*Hulks Up* got that new coli smell Supporter Joined May 5, 2012 Messages 9,832 Reputation 602 Daps 15,016 Reppin The D (where it's so cold) May 26, 2012 #2,153 Too little too late Ja Rue.
OG_StankBrefs Da Spice... Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 27,540 Reputation 6,710 Daps 98,665 Reppin Caladan May 26, 2012 #2,154 Kinda crazy, Sixers really had their chance to win dis shyt too. So many dumb decisions.
Saysumthinfunnymike VOTE!!! Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 182,198 Reputation 23,030 Daps 593,730 Reppin 49ers..Braves..Celtics May 26, 2012 #2,155 Rondo coming up HUGE~!!!!!
P Phillyrider807 My Soundtrack is the second “Carter” Joined May 24, 2012 Messages 18,035 Reputation 2,402 Daps 35,000 Reppin 215 Uptown! May 26, 2012 #2,156 I dont understand the mindset of why turner was in over lou when we needed to score. I just don't get it.
I dont understand the mindset of why turner was in over lou when we needed to score. I just don't get it.
Kliq_Souf Superstar Joined Apr 30, 2012 Messages 14,063 Reputation 3,063 Daps 39,738 Reppin WOL May 26, 2012 #2,157
jadillac Veteran Joined Apr 30, 2012 Messages 54,773 Reputation 8,653 Daps 167,574 May 26, 2012 #2,158 Damn we're on the verge of a Celtics - Spurs Final
InstantKlassik ... Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 18,505 Reputation 1,967 Daps 55,301 Reppin Toledo, OH May 26, 2012 #2,159 It's Over..... But Miami is gonna mop the FLOOR with these nikkas
7PHX Pro Joined May 2, 2012 Messages 779 Reputation -5 Daps 1,063 May 26, 2012 #2,160 why was Pierce on the floor there