Sax would tell you to hold his beer. She's annoying but hasn't reached Sax or Mak levels yet.
Mak was doin his job and is actually the GOAT when he saw bodies gettin dropped and was just like "welp can't touch them nikkas

ggs im out to DC"
Saxe...made sense, y'know? He was chasing a nikka (not even a cop) and everyone around him sans Mak and Tameika died around that shyt. It was his job that he took personal, even if he wasn't equipped for that battle at all.
This girl...she's digging in shyt for the sake of just digging in shyt. On her own. Only goal is justice for a mf who don't eem want it. That's still unprecedented.
howard: "I don't remember anything after i got shot"
the doctors: "this type of thing happens y'know

might come back to him, might not. But he cancer free and he got a new lease on life"
the other cops: "we just happy you alive and still with us man, take it easy til you feel ready to come back we gotcha back

her own dad: "you gotta believe your partner or you shouldn't even be a cop

mind ya fukkin business. drink a beer. go find one of them liberian girls you like so much"
her: "....

lemme stake out his crib, threaten child services on a prostitute, follow him around the city, etc etc"
Saxe was a dumbass and even got people killed in his own way but he ain't ever go this hard on somebody he didn't have sufficient reason to. And at least saxe was at home mindin his own business on his day off tryna get the jergens action on pornhub. This bytch aint got NO hobbies, NO traits, no nuffin. Just a young detective not following the system. workin off the clock on some shyt that aint eem her business. This universe don't take too kindly to them type of mfs. she gotta go.