It’s unlikely that the rule could be put into practice – president-elect Joe Biden does not support the death penalty and has signaled that he could seek to eliminate capital punishment for felony convictions and suspend federal executions, which Attorney General William Barr aggressively pursued after he was sworn in last more concerned about the firing squads
Trump proposal could allow firing squads for federal executions
It’s unlikely that the rule could be put into practice – president-elect Joe Biden does not support the death penalty and has signaled that he could seek to eliminate capital punishment for felony convictions and suspend federal executions, which Attorney General William Barr aggressively pursued after he was sworn in last year.
Cause he's a why even bother?
we knew that was coming to be fair....I was wondering what he was waiting on....That fukker really pardoned flynn...
This is what they're in a twist over?
Don't rep your people, rep our tribe using you to go against your interest ass nikkas
im more concerned about the firing squads
Trump proposal could allow firing squads for federal executions