If you type in "loser.com" in the search bar, it leads you to Trump's Wikipedia page 

End of an Era in HL
*plays the theme from MASH*
Our battle against the bots and agents is done this day fellas. The war is far from over, but today we rest.
Ignoring theTrump still is trying to convince electors in Republican control legislatures to vote for him. I'm still still not officially celebrating until he's out of office.
Trump team wins hearings in Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania legislatures on election concerns
Adding to the "cope" celebration we got going on.
Thread has several Reddit/Parler screenshots.
I hope things get better. This year was horrible.
Not even the c00ns and trolls from that dumbass Flynn thread dap your stupidityOh ya'll done panicking and raving like lunatics...
Welcome back to earth...