I'm certain that Trumps legal team has subversive a$$holes that are only there to leak, sabotage, fleece Trump for every penny then quit at the first sign of adversity. But Sidney Powell is not one of them.
Most likely she knows that when she reveals any evidence, the commie dems will immediately descend in mass and scrub, disappear, and hide it.
Oh man. The Venezuelans got to Rudy.
Hope she doesn't take her Kraken and go home.
This is ... disappointing. She was one person in this whole mess I trusted.
On the bright side, we don't have to hate Tucker anymore.
So he's trying to sell properties for roughly the exact amount he owes
the westboro baptist church leaders were civil rights attorneysMitch McConnell marched with King. My god he took a serious left turn
Looks like they're trying to distance from this lunatic already
This bytch really went off the reservation
NYS like we bout to get paid liquidating them assets
L after L after L