It's still fukk Tucker to eternity, but this MAGA heel turn on him has been brewing for a while.
The way he Juelzed about and then backed away from the Hunter Biden story was strike one. Then when the Trump campaign accused dead people of voting for Biden in Georgia, Tucker flat out admitted there weren't nearly enough instances to overturn the result. And, surprisingly, he issued an apology to the lady that was found out to have voted under 'Mrs. James Blaylock,' after they assumed it was her deceased husband who voted. Strike two.
Now with this voter fraud story, this is the third strike. And Tucker knew he'd get backlash for it, which is why he came up with a million disclaimers before he said it. "We let UFO believers on the show in the interest of discourse, so we're not saying she's lying, but when we asked her for proof she told us to fukk off, but we'll still give her the whole hour if she wants it.
And Tucker stays saying slick shyt and throwing subliminals at Trump. He regularly has segments directly criticizing something Trump did, but doesn't actually call him out by name, instead just saying a generic, "We should expect more from our politicians."
If I were a hardcore MAGA I'd be looking at Tucker like