I’m not sure if she voted but it wouldn’t surprise me, whenever she says that Israel are the chosen people I70 million voted for Trump. I assure you she was one of them.

I’m not sure if she voted but it wouldn’t surprise me, whenever she says that Israel are the chosen people I70 million voted for Trump. I assure you she was one of them.
Who cares how long NV takes, the votes are in Dem counties.
in Pa there were appx 9 million registered voters - assuming 75% turnout = appx 6.75M total votes.
Appx 6.2 million votes have been counted which leaves appx 550K uncounted. If Biden wins 75% of these votes, that gives him about 412K, which puts him at around 3,403,000 and trump takes say 140K which leaves him around 3,332,000.
Biden will win PA by about 71K votes
Taking advantage of the retarded...This lady at work just bet me 500 that trump wins, she super religious and says that 5 prophets have siad trump will be president. Cuz trump is pro Israel and anti gay or whatever.
I told her the race was over but she still pushed for the bet, feel bad taking her money but I’m 100% sure if I lost she would take my money in a heartbeat.
She’s not maga though, we’ve both shytted on trump together. But she can flip flop on things a lot though, one minute she says COVID is serious other times she says it’s not.
She needs to get a psychiatric evaluation. She needs some serious help.She’s not maga though, we’ve both shytted on trump together. But she can flip flop on things a lot though, one minute she says COVID is serious other times she says it’s not.
This lady at work just bet me 500 that trump wins, she super religious and says that 5 prophets have siad trump will be president. Cuz trump is pro Israel and anti gay or whatever.
I told her the race was over but she still pushed for the bet, feel bad taking her money but I’m 100% sure if I lost she would take my money in a heartbeat.
You’re never gonna see that money, breh.She’s not maga though, we’ve both shytted on trump together. But she can flip flop on things a lot though, one minute she says COVID is serious other times she says it’s not.
She’s not maga Breh, I don’t think she even fully understands politics, she’s just a big Christian. She’s African, From Cameroon I believe.Wrong.
She is MAGA.
This is how MAGA ppl act. In non MAGA spaces they will put on a mask, but they can only maintain it for so long. It's like when you're suppressing a sneeze. You get to that point where you think you've won. But deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep down inside you still sense the slightest tickle...like the feeling of a single solitary nerve ending slowly pulsating...and it's at that point you realize it's inevitable, so you don't even try and hold it back anymore. This is why all MAGA people eventually reveal themselves. They can only fake the criticism or nod along as you shyt on their king for so long.
She's a maga. And she won't pay up.She’s not maga though, we’ve both shytted on trump together. But she can flip flop on things a lot though, one minute she says COVID is serious other times she says it’s not.
You're in denial. Think shy trump supporter.She’s not maga Breh, I don’t think she even fully understands politics, she’s just a big Christian. She’s African, From Cameroon I believe.
I can be your lawyer, Trump. I can sue away the Loss. I will stand by you forever. You can take my reputation away.