After the votes are certified, the EC votes, and Biden is officially the President Elect, he can take legal action against Trump for sabotaging the transition by withholding documents. If I were him at that point, I'd also go after anyone cosigning unsusbtantiated FUD over the election for sedition.he knows he's lying btw. His legal team has no doubt laid out many facts to him. He knows how the lawsuits are going - in terms of the fact that his legal team isn't disputing that poll watchers were present. He knows the Dominion voter software was not penetrated, according to his own government officials. So why is he lying? Well part of it is that he's a narcissist who thinks he's smarter than everyone, including people who are showing him evidence to the contrary. But the other thing is that...he's just burning the house down. If he gets his way, he won't start a transition until late January to truly fukk over Biden. And then he'll spend the next few years laughing and criticizing the damage.
So at what point do republicans step in. We'll see, after the GA recount.