you'd never be happy no matter what they did. scale of 1 to 10 how much misery is in your life? Just wondering. Biden wins and all of a sudden you and a few others in here show up and start cutting him and the democrats down before they even take office.
Disgruntled Bernie bro? If so just know Trump would blown him out of the water. That far left stuff doesn't fly like you guys like to pretend it does. Maybe down the line but not at this stage.
If you're just a miserable contrarian jerk then there is no helping you.
Lol what a pathetic post. You want to cow down to these people who literally want to kill anyone who disagrees with them.

You can't reason with insanity. The GOP just spent 4 years doing everything to fukk up Americans lives, destroying civility and putting all their support behind white supremacists and racists. And you want me to work with them? Nah. Where did I bash Biden? I disagree with putting corporate interests in the white house but he's a neo liberal corporatist so I'm not surprised. He's still a thousand times better than Trump and he'll fix a lot of problems just from a leadership standpoint. I'm cutting down Schumer and pelosi who put the Democratic party in this fukked up mess. Outside of Joe winning it was a bloodbath in the election. That's with a pandemic, crashed economy etc in their favor. The Dems barely scraped in the house and need a hail Mary to win Senate control. They barely won the house due terrible messaging and not going on the offensive. Instead of trying to reach millions of non voters they tried to reach the GOP which hates them. If being a jerk gets Democrats to change their policy than I'll be a GD a$$hole because fukk living under the GOP. I see you clearly missed the point. Progressive policies are looked at positively by voters. It's the people that are selling the message they don't like and there's no left wing media to counter fox news. I didn't support Bernie. Fox has gotten poor people to cheer for corporations getting billions in bailouts while they stay poor. Think about that. For the good of the country means the GOP and Republicans need to be destroyed, just like they do to Democrats. And yes I'm disgruntled if living under a GOP Senate and it doesn't make

then I don't know what does. Bill Maher was right the Democratic party needs focus on common sense policies not the dumb shyt on Twitter