These Trump supporters really built him up to be some unstoppable force. That’s why they can’t accept the results. They actually think rally sizes and Trump caravans were and indication how the election would go.After that Trump caraven in NY these fools were saying NY was in play.
Them fukkers said the same shyt about Cali after they pulled their lil rally in Beverly Hills. I remember seeing tweets that said “Cali could go red this time!” just for Cali to not only STAY blue but had over 9 Million people vote for Biden making him the one of the most supported presidential candidates ever in Cali.
I remember a few days till The Election a Call came in on Lil Levin's Show hyping up those things and even Lil Levin was telling him it doesnt matter if those people and he himself dont vote and that gave me Reverse '16 Vibes where the Democrat Voters didnt feel the need to Vote cause it wasnt possible Trump was gonna Win cause they felt Hil had it in The Bag