trump aint waiting til 2024...yall gon welcome senator trump to the 117th congress come 2022
Senate Majority Leader Donald Trump?
trump aint waiting til 2024...yall gon welcome senator trump to the 117th congress come 2022
Inability to fall in line. The minute Warnock was in the lead to win the rest of them should have dropped. All of their votes could have pushed him over.This is what I was asking about - like at what point does the state party force you out.
Ding ding ding!! There is no generations of propaganda and brainwashing machine on the left.
Hence is Fox News delivering the Democrats policies to most of white Americans, 70M voted for trump this election
I'd add to that any talk of Trump going to prison. Enough with the revenge fantasies on that one.
So... I guess Philadelphia absentees will be the one to do it then? Gonna put Biden over the top like such?
So it's the activists fault for being activists? We not talking about them, but instead talking about what Dem politicians didn't do.Exactly. Every day for atleast two damn months driving to work I had to listen to got damn John James commercials with him saying they want to defund the police and then a clip literally of tamika Mallory or somebody saying “we want to defund the Minneapolis police”.
They run on fear and you are literally giving them free ad material. People are dumb you can’t let your opponents set the message for you. If they are going to call you socialist anyway, might as well call it something that sounds positive no matter how you frame it like refund the people.
You can defund the police in your agenda of refunding the people. Words matter when you are trying to convince people that already are against you.
Biden doesn't...
Just padding which would be nice to have...
The math is looking like Biden up at least 50k without Allegheny County...
Exactly. I’ve been saying it. Fox News is a problem. If the democrats don’t address that the majority of people in this country are getting their news from this source that was either influencing the damn POTUS or being the direct mouth piece of that lying fool they are in for further trouble. The problem doesn’t just lie with Fox News. There are these fringe characters that are indoctrinating young people through methods that seem innocuous at first until you realize it’s a marketing funnel into alt right beliefs. It’s no different than how the young and impressionable used start by going to bodybuilding forums and PUA forums. Now it’s personal development and how to be a man. That’s how it starts but it always parses out the same way. These people have crafted their messaging and are essentially better marketers. This is all happening under our watch. The internet/social media is the wild Wild West. Honestly I have seen some posters on here that have a better understanding of what’s happening in politics and why the democrats are losing people than these consultants. That’s going to be a problem until they wake up. We are living in a new age and the communication and messaging of the Democratic Party needs to adapt. Like yesterday.
Senate Majority Leader Donald Trump?