Neo. The Only. The One.
I agree breh.
And to be honest, I'm not even shocked.
I remember watching white folks juelz like crazy when our clown of a president came out and basically said "yeah Covid is terrible
and it'll fukk you up young or old", all of those idiots tried to walk back the "See ! Trump KNOWS it's not an issue !" comments.
Moments like those and the ones we're seeing on twitter right now reinforce that the problems run deeper than Trump and speak
to how a lot of white Americans feel.
Trump is a symbol. He's the instrument of white wrath.
I believe that he is serving as the stand in for white ppls frustration regarding their feelings of becoming the new minority in the next 20 years, feelings they already had but were exacerbated and brought to the forefront by Obama's ascension to the presidency.
They truly feel that their country is being taken from them so there's feelings of anger and resentment there.
But I often wonder if it is in part driven by fear too. Fear of retaliation. They have done so much to so many and I wonder if they are afraid because they think we are coming into a position to outnumber them eventually and/or be in charge of the country and they're scared of what we will do to them because they know what they would do to us if the roles were reversed.
And their hearts are too dark and evil to understand that the majority of us don't want revenge. They can't fathom that we don't want to do anything to them.
We simply want them to stop what they're doing to us.