Morning Joe with that brilliant political analysis.These. Are. Not. Allies.
Look, either way, why do you not want to bring these people to the table. Why are they not worth catering to? We barely are gonna squeak this thing out. We need as many allies as we can get. We need a more unified message and we don't have the luxury of turning away ANYONE at the moment. We need all the fukking help we can get. You're sitting here saying we shouldn't care about Latino voters or Progressive voters because they aren't allies, but how the fukk are you gonna win if we try to divide the pie and ignore people?

Do you want to win or do you want to look cool? What you're saying sounds edgy and cool, but it's not the way to win in 2024. It's looking like white men moved away from Trump and towards Biden. let's find out why and do more of what got them on board with us. It's looking like Latino voters went more to Trump. let's figure out why and get them on board with us.
The country is already so divided. I'll take all the support we can get.