I dont know at this point but Trump's fake populism and manipulation of media/truth, etc clearly works.
GOP will just run with this post Trump since he didn't get blown out rather than try to change their party.
@Uno I don't think we can see risking running another moderate in 2024. The DNC will probably do it because they're fukking stupid and are great at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
The Democrats have the younger generation as well as shifting demographics on their side. So honestly they will probably just gamble on more moderates. They never seem to care that much when they lose anyways (no offense, home team) right?
I mean if the DNC truly wanted to win every election from now until the end of time they'd pursue just half of the following:
Medicare For All or at least some kind of single payer system, legalize marijuana on a federal level, get rid of putting people in prison for non-violent crimes, do some type of green new deal or something for climate change, do something to give financial incentives for big corporations to hire Americans and/or fine them if they outsource too many jobs overseas, and possibly not try to ban 9mm pistol magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.
If they did even half of those things in bold they'd be fukking golden from now until the end of time. However, many of them are beholden to their corporate masters, and have to serve them instead of us.
So I don't know what's gonna happen in 2024.