Nap alarms!
Told y’all Dark Sith McConnell made the call not to give trump no wins.. He’s focused on keeping the senate

Trump ain’t getting his money worth

Nap alarms!
should be warren, but its gonna be schumer. and fukkin pelosi again
and honestly, i dont respect that at all. pelosi is 80 years old and visibly shaking every time i see her on tv, i wouldnt even get in a car with her. and she "has" to be speaker again? why?
Nap alarms!
He’ll likely rule in the gops favor. I hope I’m wrong here.
Chuck got no choice but to play ball because AOC on his ass for the senate spot and NY’ers will kindly vote her in and throw chuck out..
Too lateCan they take it to SCOTUS still?
Chuck is up for re-election in 2022... You underestimate how popular AOC is here in NY.. she would easily beat ChuckNY state is not making AOC a united states senator any time soon
in a decade, yeah i could see it
Chuck is up for re-election in 2022... You underestimate how popular AOC is here in NY.. she would easily beat Chuck
Obama went from a state Senator in IL to a US Senator in a matter of 6 live there, i dont. but ill believe it when i see it
NY state is not making AOC a united states senator any time soon
in a decade, yeah i could see it
AOC is not beating Chuck Schumer and she's not winning any position statewide anytime soon.Chuck is up for re-election in 2022... You underestimate how popular AOC is here in NY.. she would easily beat Chuck
and it’s funny they said the same about Obama going from a state Senator to US senate in a matter of 6 years
AOC is not beating Chuck Schumer and she's not winning any position statewide anytime soon.