Save us, Liz
Quinnipiac got Biden +5 in Ohio.
Lookin like Yamcha on the 4thIm getting white girl wasted on election night.
Lookin like Yamcha on the 4th
Not to mention, an outsider of US politics could never run for president for another 40 years, thanks to Trump's stupidity. He burnt that bridge for anyone new or unfamiliar to run for POTUS.![]()
i think you have it reversed. nixon for his time was a very conservative president, he was the most conservative president we'd had since at least hoover. and by the late 60s and early 70s there were still more liberal republicans than him, like rockefeller. all of the writing at the time described the nixon elections as an extremely socially conservative backlash to the civil rights and counterculture movements in the 1960s.
but the republican party has moved so insanely far to the right since then that some of the things nixon did, like creating the epa, seem more progressive in comparison.
edit: people also forget the democrats had both chambers of congress the whole time nixon was president and they were still dictating most of the countrys legislation. the new deal legacy was still widely popular with americans and he didn’t have a mandate to dismantle it like reagan did, but he still managed to undermine most of LBJs great society programs
Yep, also remember that Nixon started the War on Drugs and was very racist and paranoid.
Let’s start with the environment. The fate of the Earth was a major topic of concern when Nixon became president in 1969. Environmental activism had grown steadily throughout the 1960s, spurred on by Rachel Carson’s 1962 game-changer of a book, Silent Spring. Within days after Nixon took office in 1969, the nation was reeling from a massive oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara, California, the largest ever up to that time. A few months later, the Cuyahoga River in Ohio burst into flame because it was so polluted. Yes, you read that right. A river caught fire.
The Santa Barbara oil spill of 1969 helped spur the creation of Earth Day.
Nixon signed the National Environmental Policy Act on January 1, 1970. This law called upon federal agencies to evaluate the environmental consequences of their actions through assessments and impact studies. Federal projects could now be amended, postponed, or killed by virtue of their negative impact on the environment, significantly expanding the federal bureaucracy.
Later in 1970, Nixon signed the order establishing the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA was designed to be the final word on the environment. The agency has grown immensely powerful over the years, and it has the capability to alter, amend, or end any business practice deemed to have an adverse effect on the environment.
The EPA was not the last word Nixon would have on the environment, though. He also signed into law the Clean Air Act in 1970, the Clean Water Act in 1972, and the Endangered Species Act in 1973. There was also the Noise Control Act, the Marine Mammal Protection Act, and the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Nixon also weighed in on the social safety net. He signed the Social Security Amendments of 1972, which extended Medicare to people under 65 who were disabled or suffered from kidney disease. Another component of these amendments was the Supplemental Security Income program. SSI came about after complaints arose over the uneven income and disability standards of various state-level benefits packages. These state aid programs were federalized and folded into a national system.
It’s worth noting here that during Nixon’s time in office, spending on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid all increased, with total spending on entitlements more than doubling between 1969 and 1975.
Nixon even got into the debate over health insurance and access to health care, proposing that all employers should offer insurance to full-time employees, and a federal aid program to pick up the tab for those too poor to afford coverage. He also proposed pegging insurance premiums to income and the creation of Health Maintenance Organizations to help manage the cost of care. Though many of these ideas did not see the light of day during Nixon’s time in office, they would form the basis of many modern health care-related reform programs.
Nixon declared war on cancer with the National Cancer Act and provided $1.6 billion (close to $10 billion in today’s dollars) for research. The National Sickle Cell Anemia Control Act similarly set research money aside to combat Sickle Cell disease.
The nation’s workers were given OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which was created in 1970 to establish federal government oversight of workplace safety. The Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972 allowed the government to create safety standards and issue product recalls for items that created unreasonable risk to consumers.
Drivers were told to keep it under 55 miles per hour when Nixon imposed a national speed limit in January 1974 to help reduce fuel consumption. Prior to the new law, states were free to set their own speed limits, but Congress and the president took that power away after price spikes by Middle Eastern oil producers sent gas prices skyrocketing.
Nixon took grief for defunding a number of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society programs like the Job Corps, but in its place Nixon created the Office of Minority Business Enterprise to promote and support minority-owned businesses. He also worked to actively increase the number of minorities hired for construction jobs, one of the nation’s first examples of affirmative action. Nixon called for a mandatory minimum of minority employees on all federal contract jobs worth more than $50,000.
Nixon also called for the expansion of the U.S. Civil Rights code to include sex discrimination. This led directly to the creation of Title IX, which banned sexual discrimination in education. Title IX became a big booster of women in college sports, increasing women’s participation from 1 in 27 in 1972 to 2 in 5 in 2012.
Anyone who fills out the paperwork can just comes down to how seriously people take you on the trail.That's a good point. The parties will make it harder for someone like Trump or even Sanders to run in their party. Anyone know the current requirements for running as a Democrat or Republican?
It’s the public aspect of making her intentions known. Not that’s she’s interested.The hypocrisy in that tweet is staggering.
At least Liz is making the effort , as opposed to sitting back and waiting and hoping for things to go wrong so fingers can be pointed.