True Blue Moon
@3RiversLil Wayne looking like this:
@3RiversLil Wayne looking like this:
Biden won. They might as well start picking out what they’re going to wear on Inauguration Day. Look at the 2016 map. Let’s say the usual states go to Trump and to Biden with the exception being that Biden takes back PA, Mich, and Wis, where he has a massive lead right now, it’s over right there. That’s 46 votes. Trump losesIf Biden manages to get a few states in the south like GA, NC, FL or TX it becomes a landslide.
I’ll be shocked if Trump slithers his way back in.
87 is "so hot"? WTF?
Lil Wayne looking like this:
Republicans would be in full meltdown mode if Texas flipped blue
Let's make the GOP a state/regional party only![]()
We are getting closer and closer to the conclusion that will destroy either the country as a whole or the Republican. For that debt to society, one Jefferson Beauregard Sessions' recusal will be the initial turning point. As we all know or should know is that power corrupts and a majority of the Republican party is corrupted, tainted, whatever. The thing that works in our favor is that they think that they are smarter than they really are or it is that they are white and simply think that they can act with impunity in relation to their egregious acts. Anybody with common sense knew how the Strozk hearing was going to go. The smartest person in the room was testifing. Donald will get caught. Junior and Senior. Others will get entangled as well. When it's all said and done, our jobs will be to never, ever allow them to ever have revisionist history or whitewash the actions of these traitors and simply paint them all with the same brush. fukk civility, we need to shyt on them profusely and discard them to the trash heap of history as the flawed, backwards disease that they are. Democrats aren't perfect but we need to take care of our most immediate concern first. Turning the GOP into the regional, fractured party that wins a few local elections but is not relevant on the national and international political stage.
I get the crook angle but Nixon was left of bill
87 is "so hot"? WTF?
They said the same shyt after 2012 and look what happened 4 years later. We must not get complacent and rest on our laurels. Trump is losing because seniors,"moderate" conservatives and right leaning independents are breaking to Biden. If those people stuck with Trump right now the race would be dead even. The GOP isn't going away. They are planning the same playbook. they did with Clinton and Obama, If Biden and the Dems fukk up in their first term not dealing with income inequality and packing the courts they will get washed in 2022. Republicans will block anything Biden tries to pass and when 2024 rolls around it will be much closer race with a more competent version of Trump winning.