Official Biden vs. Trump 2020 General Election Thread (Biden WINS 306 Electoral College Votes)

Who wins?

  • Joe Biden, Vice President of the USA (2009-2017)

    Votes: 440 81.6%
  • Donald Trump, President of the USA (2017-present)

    Votes: 99 18.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Reality Check

Keepin' it 100
May 2, 2012


If Florida and NC go blue, and Biden holds all the states Hillary won, he wins the election no matter if every other toss-up goes to Trump (which I highly doubt). I don't know what states may have automatic recounts, but if Biden hits 270 without the states that are marked toss-up on this map, I wonder when his campaign realizes that attempted fukkery won't save them from losing.
Last edited:
May 14, 2015
the 2nd amendment is gone soon if that's the case.

I don’t think the 2nd amendment will ever go away, but it will in the terms of some these idiots.

“The second amendment means I can have any gun and carry anywhere I want to protect myself from the government as long as I hang out with my friends who do the same” because they don’t realize this line of thinking was used by gun manufacturers to get them to buy more guns/ammo while simultaneously pushing off the responsibilities of this weapons to the owners/sellers through legislation and (you guessed it) conservative judges who align with big business. So until we start actually prosecuting the laws on the books, the 2nd amendment will continue to be worshipped in the manner it currently is by white males.

Which is why these nuts think their rights continue into other people’s private residences, private businesses, and public buildings and spaces. Republicans have known for a long time without the upper hand, they need these pussies to FEEL empowered and FEEL the need to vote for them. Meanwhile, they pocket the money they get through the NRA. Who gets their money from the gun manufacturers. It’s been their longest and biggest grift.....

Sidenote: Trump fukked that up too by using it as a funnel for the Russians.

What the second amendment really meant was the founders wanted people to be trained and prepared to use their now antiquated weapons in defense of a invasion of this young nation. How many of these gun nuts did you see on the street post-9/11? None. Cuban Missile Crisis? None. In fact, the only time you see these nuts is against fellow Americans. That’s why you know it has nothing to do with being able to bear arms.

Furthermore, the government was to have control of the militias so they coordinate a response as well as make sure weapons and ammunition would be properly supplied. So while you could have your guns for hunting and home defense, It was almost a level of conscription in the system. But they don’t want to register with government. They don’t want reasonable self-defense weapons or really to shoot for sport. (How many actual sport shooters/real hunters you see out there protesting 2A rights? None.) They just want to be under trained, irresponsible individuals with weapons they don’t need because they are white and once things really start going against them...... they are going to turn them over with the exception of a few holdouts.

It’s why I’m pro-drone and skipping due process when an American citizen declares war on the country. That’s why “originalists” and “Constitutionalists” aren’t real. That’s Oathkeepers was bullshyt from the beginning. You’re law enforcement and you’re going to deny a lawful order, keep your job AND think these people are going to be on your side? Laughable.