Still gets me a bit 

that’s what I’m saying and the media doesn’t mention it
let’s also not forget the Cubans in Florida
If Biden had chosen Mayor Keisha Bottoms That would have helped get him major turnout from Atlanta and have him win the state of Georgia definitely and make it easier to win
And if trump wins white liberals will turn on Obama and blame him for coming out two weeks before and messing up momentum for Biden
the problem is though and you can quote this and remember I said it on Election Day...
the problem is I guarantee you the actual Election Day voting will be low on the Democrat part. We know it’s a fact republicans turnout a lot more in droves on the day of.
trump is definitely winning Florida it’s not a question. Ohio and North Carolina as well. The media mentions Ohio every election cycle and how important it is but they haven’t mentioned it a lot this time. He won it by almost 10 points last time so I guess they expect him to win
the true race is in Michigan, pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Minnesota
stop looking at Florida it’s a done deal that trump is gonna win there
of the four rust belt states I named I believe Biden’s best chance of winning is in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin
The Lance-Bottoms part is laughable.
Otherwise you are on record saying Biden loses. Very well.
Based on what?How is it laughable? I’m not saying whether it would be a good choice as far as her being a VP I’m just saying she is popular so she would make it easier to win that state of Georgia
and yes I believe Biden will lose . Trump will win over 300 electoral votes again
How is it laughable? I’m not saying whether it would be a good choice as far as her being a VP I’m just saying she is popular so she would make it easier to win that state of Georgia
and yes I believe Biden will lose . Trump will win over 300 electoral votes again
It’s laughable in that your premise is it helps to win one state he doesn’t need while being a downgrade on several other major fronts. Classic win the battle lose the war mistake.
- She’s not that popular state wide. At very best it’s a push statewide with Kamala.
- It negates every other thing Harris has brought to the table to make Biden a threat.
I didn’t say she was popular statewide. Read what I said. I said she is very popular in Atlanta and that would help a high turnout in Atlanta which would help beef the Georgia numbers overall . Just like high Atlanta Turnout is what helped Obama win Georgia in 2008
Obama didn’t win Georgia in 2008 sir..............I didn’t say she was popular statewide. Read what I said. I said she is very popular in Atlanta and that would help a high turnout in Atlanta which would help beef the Georgia numbers overall . Just like high Atlanta Turnout is what helped Obama win Georgia in 2008
How is it laughable? I’m not saying whether it would be a good choice as far as her being a VP I’m just saying she is popular so she would make it easier to win that state of Georgia
and yes I believe Biden will lose . Trump will win over 300 electoral votes again
We're done here.
Obama didn’t win Georgia in 2008 sir..............
Me thinks we are done with this now.......