Official Biden vs. Trump 2020 General Election Thread (Biden WINS 306 Electoral College Votes)

Who wins?

  • Joe Biden, Vice President of the USA (2009-2017)

    Votes: 440 81.6%
  • Donald Trump, President of the USA (2017-present)

    Votes: 99 18.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
May 14, 2015
I've seen ones all pissed off because they kids been evicted and living at home again, in medical debt, jobless, dead relatives from Covid and all that but to them this is Trump and always will be



And it’s even deeper than that with those who can’t be reached. Pissed off because every though their party is in office their life turned for the worse and there isn’t any help for them. Someone is going to force them to get an abortion, take their guns and jobs, and then tax them to the point they can’t live. Everyone in the county and most of the state voted for Republicans but the roads, schools and jobs are trash, but the libs wanna burn down your 2nd generation, dilapidated trailer.

Always willing to challenge their Democrat friends because of Antifa or Clinton got a blowjob or Jeremiah Wright said some stuff about white people. No gumption to challenge a Republican because they don’t want to hurt their family members’ feelings or lose a friendship. Willing to say they are for something and then when Republicans do the opposite turn themselves into pretzels to defend it. No matter how many crimes, lies, or laws/bills that are bad for America, liberals are going to make things worse. It’s why it’s laughable that since W the Republican Party has been able to survive.

It’s proof positive that liberals/Democrats are always to blame despite working on behalf of the people. Despite all the things they love (SSI, Obamacare, Medicare/Medicaid, etc) and the programs they need coming from Democrats, the outright denial of their best interests and obfuscation of the most objective of facts is the name of the game here. It’s why Pence didn’t have to answer a single question during Vice Presidential Debate and why Mitch McConnell can laugh at their pain. Its why people are trying to blame Pelosi for a lack of a stimulus deal even though she passed one in May. It’s a toxic mix of stupidity, racism, and hubris, that after this year, we are going to have teach people to start leaving those infected behind. Stop giving poor judgment, bad faith arguments and false narratives about political beliefs the floor and let them continue to sulk in their own misery.

I challenge you to name a single piece of Republican legislation signed by a President since Gerald Ford that has helped the life of the average American.

Sorry for ranting.


Apr 24, 2017
The funny thing is that this attack is necessary because Biden is so popular. Harris, who is also popular, is less known so they think there’s an opening. This ain’t 2016. People like or tolerate Joe.

He’s not as popular as Obama in 08 but it reminds me of that. We haven’t seen this level of general “like” for a candidate since then.
Biden resembles the average old white man
Trump and the republicans have to tread carefully when attacking him because this is literally their base