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Why are we talking Hillary in here ? is the the White House ?
Who cares we got bigger fish to fry and discuss 

Pence and Trump are gonna kill off their voters before Election Day with these stupid rallies/super spreader events. Pence actually in Florida having a rally in a RETIREMENT VILLAGE.
It’s a good strategy. For one it tells me he isnt against it. Because if he was against court packing he would have said it. Before he was against during the primaries but with RBG dead that changes the calculus. This tells me no doubt in my mind he will pack the courts if the Rethugs push Amy Barrett’s nomination. He just can’t say he is for it because it will energize Trumps base and scare moderate Republicans to back Trump.biden is making the right furious by refusing to answer on court packing
Yeah. You lost this round buddy.Think because a politican is popular that means they're liked brehs.
I don't like her because she's a diet republican like many cooperate democrats. Back when she was down for the public option she was cool.Hillary has had republicans trying to shoot her out the sky for 40 years. Think for yourself about the woman.
Don't quote favorability polls about her. Its clear you don't like her, but don't endorse the prolonged conspiracy to twist her into some menace.
Ok, someone explain why the Aussies are pro Trump/Pence
so he's a huge fakkit? i'm not familiar with AustraliaAustralia's current prime minister Scott Morrison is very similar to Ted Cruz.
I seriously doubt it
is he worse than this guy?Most Australians don't like Trump (according to opinion polls). However, Australia is very similar to Texas culturally. Australia's current prime minister Scott Morrison is very similar to Ted Cruz.
Ok, someone explain why the Aussies are pro Trump/Pence