He'll be fine. Just needs to drink bleach brehIt's still fukk Trump but this is actually horrible news.
Trump was supposedly the most protected, most tested person in the country, and probably the world.
If he's caught and spreading it, what's to stop the rest of us from catching it?
He'll be fine. Just needs to drink bleach breh
I like presidents who don't get rona. WeakThat smiley
I was just reading about how a lot of formerly wealthy people commit suicide once they lose their shyt is mad common.
They can't live with being "normal" or under scrutiny. It's almost instantaneously that they commit suicide.
Trump can't even deal with people telling him no or being wrong, how do think he'll feel from losing presidency.
https://www.history.com/news/stock-market-crash-suicides-wall-street-1929-great-depression#:~:text=The day after Black Thursday, Chicago real estate investor C,were found covering his body.
German billionaire commits suicide after VW losses
Russian billionaire Dmitry Bosov found dead in apparent suicide
Madoff Investor’s Suicide Leaves Questions
I'm calling it now, trump will commit that within 6 months.
Did Herman Cain send out a get well soon tweet yet?
Btw is the senate still planning on recessing if the gop is trying to get this pos on the court?
Yep it's big, because the whole world is watching the US.Do people realize how big of a deal this is? Wow. This is wild.
In my perfect scenario, he survives but with issues. He then loses the election And is immediately charged for all of his crimes after Biden is inaugurated