This is why no matter the outcome of the election there will violence. Trump will stir them up if he loses. The federal government's policy of ignoring right wing militias will be this nations undoing. They backed down in the Bundy standoff and backed down during Charlottesville. You let them fester and metastasize like a cancer. Soon they will be destroy your body. Meanwhile they recruit law Enforcement, military and former military. You have a major problem. This is all signs of a proto-insurgency. All the ingredients for an insurgency is there. This is why Trump is so damn dangerous and him continuing to say the election is rigged if he loses is scary. Because we could be entering a point where anything goes. Clinton should have cracked down on these groups a long time ago. To really deal with these groups you need a bloody crackdown. Just letting it fester will lead to major blowback smh.
2% is probably a statistical tie with the margin of error factored in. You'll know if this will be a landslide or not election night due to Florida and North Carolina who should both be able to show some results.I don't know about you breh but I feel like we're approaching landslide levels.