Official Biden vs. Trump 2020 General Election Thread (Biden WINS 306 Electoral College Votes)

Who wins?

  • Joe Biden, Vice President of the USA (2009-2017)

    Votes: 440 81.6%
  • Donald Trump, President of the USA (2017-present)

    Votes: 99 18.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
The mind of Trump.

Does this man not realize he can help get the country back to normal by encouraging with full force to wear masks or is he more worried about getting a vaccine out like yesterday and thinks if he emphasizes masks it will slow down the vaccine production?

Does he care more about the economy or chaos? Does he think his base would be for mask wearing if he vouched for it and encouraged it vehemently or does he think they would turn on him? I was arguing with a Trumper yesterday and she admitted she won't take the vaccine. I said but u believe everything Trump says so why wouldn't u take his vaccine? She kept deflecting to how we have medicine and how flu shots don't work.

What does this man want? Does he want to be a dictator of a defunct country so he can stay in power?

What are witnessing bruhs?

Sorry have a lot on my mind this morning. :coffee:
So to answer your questions:

1. He doesn't care about the country, only himself, and since he is rich, he will be relatively fine, and be able to avoid the negative aspects of this. This is the mindset of most rich people. They are far removed from things that affect people like us.

2. His money is directly tied to the economy and it's the only thing that this idiotic American populace thinks he's good at, even though he has done NOTHING to improve it, unless you call cutting taxes (which would be used to improve the life of all Americans as opposed to Corporate America and its servants) for the top 1% of the country.

3. Yes. As we can see in "Rage", Woodward notes that Trump was enamored with the fact that the North Korean people had so much "energy" for Kim Jong Un. Much like with Putin, or the dude in Turkey, or the Saudis, he does not understand the concept of Democratically Elected Leaders and he does not understand that the "energy" he saw in NK is a result of these people living in absolute fear of the man in charge. He is a businessman who has spent his life at the top of his own corporate "empire", where he is the the ultimate boss. He views political leadership through that same lense where, "I'm in charge, I'm in charge because I was put in charge, and since I was put in charge, I should be followed without question". There's only two arenas where that type of thinking works though, Dictatorships and a Privately Owned Business. And as we've pointed out, he's been trying to run the United States like a privately owned business and a Dictatorship, complete with Nepotism and Nationalist Rhetoric.

4. We are witnessing the END of the United States of America if this man gets elected again. Many people want this as they believe that out of the ashes will rise some kind of Utopia where life is better. This is foolish thinking, especially since most of these people could not start a fire on their own and want NOTHING to do with what Civil War and mass unrest would look like in this country. Most of these people have watched that sort of thing happen in other countries and don't understand that it would pale in comparison to what it would look like in the US.

King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
It's America in means nothing unless there's video and even if there was video, people would claim that its doctored
We already got the Access Hollywood tape in 2016 in which he bragged about groping/molesting women and yet that tape didn't matter.


May 16, 2015
We already got the Access Hollywood tape in 2016 in which he bragged about groping/molesting women and yet that tape didn't matter.

I remember it did contribute to depressing his standing in the polls some, but then the Comey letter and other shyt came along and wiped out those gains for Hillz...and a major Wikileaks drop happened later the same damn day to start the active measures shyt counteracting that tape.


Packers Stockholder
Aug 17, 2013
We already got the Access Hollywood tape in 2016 in which he bragged about groping/molesting women and yet that tape didn't matter.
I remember it did contribute to depressing his standing in the polls some, but then the Comey letter and other shyt came along and wiped out those gains for Hillz...and a major Wikileaks drop happened later the same damn day to start the active measures shyt counteracting that tape.

Static is right. The election of Clinton/Trump proved that Hillary didn't have much voter support. People saw Hillary as part of the Clinton Old Guard, and wanted Trump's America. Case in point, Evangelicals supported Trump, even though they knew he didn't align with their values; tese are people who are deep into religious stuff, who saw Trump going against their teachings, and choosing him because they wanted to stop Abortions/LGBTQ+ Rights.

Call it a Cult, but Trump's bases don't care about other Americans unless they share their worldview. They view Democrats as people who cause their downfall of America. When they feel the pressure of their influence taking over, they will cling to people who share their view, no matter how terrible they might be.

Now they are shifting more to QAnon folks, because they are rejecting science and history.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
something ive been thinking about

70+ republican voters have been listening to the orange fakkit lying about the virus, say its under control, say its gonna be gone by the election. but they're in for a HARD realization on november 1st. that once they have to show up to the polls around all these people, it's very much gonna be a masked up, distancing, "worry about the virus" kind of event in every single important swing state

and it's not gonna hit them til like the week before the election, but a lot of older republican voters are gonna have to go WAY out of their comfort zones to go vote for trump in person. my grandparents are 80 and they're probably voting by mail here in MA, but they would NEVER go vote in person right now :dead: they barely leave the fukkin house

so trump's election day advantage might not end up being the advantage he thinks it is
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I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015

This country can't move forward with these type of people. Even if Trump loses they will play disruptive politics like they did with Obama for short term political gain meanwhile the country stagnants and declines in the long run :snoop:
Barr is out of fukking control. This country will be beyond repair if we don't win. These corrupt fukks aren't just gonna lie down tho. They got something planned.
If Trump wins the country will not survive. He will have carte blanche to do whatever he wants. Plus he will push the Supreme court further right. If he wins expect Arab Spring like/Ukraine/Belarus/Hong Kong style protest and riots that will make the George Floyd protest look like a water gun fight. Many leftist activists groups along with unions are planning this very thing if Trump wins.