Change is inevitable...
So to answer your questions:The mind of Trump.
Does this man not realize he can help get the country back to normal by encouraging with full force to wear masks or is he more worried about getting a vaccine out like yesterday and thinks if he emphasizes masks it will slow down the vaccine production?
Does he care more about the economy or chaos? Does he think his base would be for mask wearing if he vouched for it and encouraged it vehemently or does he think they would turn on him? I was arguing with a Trumper yesterday and she admitted she won't take the vaccine. I said but u believe everything Trump says so why wouldn't u take his vaccine? She kept deflecting to how we have medicine and how flu shots don't work.
What does this man want? Does he want to be a dictator of a defunct country so he can stay in power?
What are witnessing bruhs?
Sorry have a lot on my mind this morning.![]()
1. He doesn't care about the country, only himself, and since he is rich, he will be relatively fine, and be able to avoid the negative aspects of this. This is the mindset of most rich people. They are far removed from things that affect people like us.
2. His money is directly tied to the economy and it's the only thing that this idiotic American populace thinks he's good at, even though he has done NOTHING to improve it, unless you call cutting taxes (which would be used to improve the life of all Americans as opposed to Corporate America and its servants) for the top 1% of the country.
3. Yes. As we can see in "Rage", Woodward notes that Trump was enamored with the fact that the North Korean people had so much "energy" for Kim Jong Un. Much like with Putin, or the dude in Turkey, or the Saudis, he does not understand the concept of Democratically Elected Leaders and he does not understand that the "energy" he saw in NK is a result of these people living in absolute fear of the man in charge. He is a businessman who has spent his life at the top of his own corporate "empire", where he is the the ultimate boss. He views political leadership through that same lense where, "I'm in charge, I'm in charge because I was put in charge, and since I was put in charge, I should be followed without question". There's only two arenas where that type of thinking works though, Dictatorships and a Privately Owned Business. And as we've pointed out, he's been trying to run the United States like a privately owned business and a Dictatorship, complete with Nepotism and Nationalist Rhetoric.
4. We are witnessing the END of the United States of America if this man gets elected again. Many people want this as they believe that out of the ashes will rise some kind of Utopia where life is better. This is foolish thinking, especially since most of these people could not start a fire on their own and want NOTHING to do with what Civil War and mass unrest would look like in this country. Most of these people have watched that sort of thing happen in other countries and don't understand that it would pale in comparison to what it would look like in the US.