If Warren or Beto or any of the others stop openly advocating for Austerity and the continued degradation of US health care then we can come to the table and talk.
OK I didn't want to comment in this thread because I've been avoiding the seemingly inevitable intra-left battle, but I must say something in response to this. Accusing Liz Warren of "openly advocating for Austerity and the continued degradation of US health care" is an accusation not based in reality. She's the co-sponsor of the Medicare For All bill it in the Senate. Her platform includes lots of new spending, and she's spoken approvingly of increasing the top marginal tax rates in line with what AOC has been saying, so I really have no idea where you're getting that she's been openly advocating for austerity.
To get to the root of it, this article sucks and is fundamentally unserious. It's not based on any sort of consistent worldview, it reads like an overzealous hit piece on someone Amber A'Lee Frost dislikes for personal, superficial reasons. You can see it in the way she calls Warren "Lisa Simpson", "Tracy Flick" and a "goody-goody technocrat". The vast majority of the anti-Bernie takes defining his support as based on a cult of personality were ridiculous and wrong, but people like Amber A'Lee Frost and articles like these legitimize those takes. There is a certain type of Bern-out who is allergic to competence because they, themselves, culturally identify with burnout archetype. The article is palpably sophmoric because people like Amber have never left the high school lunch table.
1. Amber says "In 2013, [Warren] advocated for a minimum wage increase to $10 an hour over the course of two years—tragically modest in the time of Fight for $15.". Yet that same year, Bernie said: “We need to raise the minimum wage to at least $10.10 an hour...that’s why I cosponsored legislation which will soon be on the Senate floor.” Oochie Wally or One Mic, Amber.
2. Amber says "[Bernie] achieved more in a few months of mass political action than Elizabeth Warren did in her whole political life." I'm a big fan of Bernie and I think his 2016 campaign had a significant impact on opened the door for this leftist insurgency to take hold, but yet again, Frost lets her weird hatred for Warren ruin her argument. From CFPB and the $12 billion won back for consumers, to the OTC Hearing Aid Act and the 40 million people positively impacted, to blocking Larry Summers from becoming Chair of the Fed, Liz has more definitive progressive wins on the board than Bernie does, and she's been in Congress for 7 years compared to Bernie's 29 years. In that time, Bernie has only had 3 bills he's sponsored signed into law, and 2 of them were bills to rename a post office. Again, I'm a big fan of Bernie, but the powers weld by the Presidency call for someone who can actually materialize progressive changes. Liz is the best progressive candidate for that role. I haven't even really seen anything from Bernie that shows me he's interested in the more granular, un-sexy, daily minutiae decisions and activities that make up the presidency.
3. While extolling Bernie's virtues, Amber brings up the Amazon minimum wage increase as evidence of a win for him. That, to me, was a very instructive episode on the difference between Bernie and Liz. While he did pressure Amazon into committing to a $15 minimum wage, Bernie ended up looking foolish by bending the knee to Bezos and going after Walmart and Amazon's other competitors. It's telling that Bezos publicly praised Sanders yet not Warren. Amazon wants a world where the minimum wage is $15 and applied to all its competitors, because Amazon is the only one with the asymmetrical access to capital and consolidated business platform that turns an industry-wide raise into a competitive advantage for Amazon. Bernie has shown no real understanding of the complexities that allow this to happen, which is why Bezos ended up praising him. Liz Warren is one of the world's foremost experts in these systems, and has called for Amazon to be broken up, which attacks the heart of the systemic predation and abuse of power Amazon represents. That's a true shot at power, not a nominal increase in the minimum wage.
4. Amber says "Elizabeth Warren’s politics aren’t impressive, and they never have been; all she has ever leaned on is a rigid obsession with the sort of basic financial regulation that barely mitigates capitalism’s greatest crimes." Calling anti-trust and a focus on the financial system "unimpressive", as if they're not the lynchpin of the entire problem with the broader political-economy, belies Amber's general incuriosity and intellectual laziness. Leftists of Amber's ilk have no interest in understanding the complexities of this system with the goal of reforming it, and they reject outright those who do. It's why the vast majority of respectable leftist academics and intellectuals ride with Liz over Bernie. If you study these issues for a living, as opposed to sitting in Bushwick making comedy podcasts about them, you tend to value the politicians who show an understanding of the issues. And this gets to a more fundamental issue I have with Bernie. I have no idea who his intellectual community is. I have no idea what type of expertise he will surround himself with. Who is his AG pick? Who is his Treasury pick? Who is his Fed Chair pick? Who are his FTC commissioners? He's not really steeped in any leftist intellectual community. Warren is. She has a very coherent intellectual narrative. Bernie doesn't, and those who are skeptical of competence view this as a positive for him.
5. Command-F: Racism (0/0). Command-F: Sexism (0/0).

Ok thanks, Amber.
The rest of the article was such a truly weird, juvenile and embarrassing call for blocking out any criticisms of Sanders that I wouldn't put it past it being a Daily Caller parody or ratfukking campaign. Amber really fukking sucks, as evidenced by her behaviour during the whole DSA disability working group controversy, and she should not be in any positions of respect or leadership on the left moving forward.