May 1, 2012
There isn't a single politician's agenda who benefits minorities/poor/etc. more than Bernie Sanders. Not a single one. Don't let the establishment politicians, the corporate media/press, the corporate democrats and their wealthy donors, etc. divide us up with identity politics.

e.g. bernie sanders isnt female enough, black enough, latin enough, gay enough, poor enough, young enough/old enough, american enough, etc. etc.

look up Franklin D. Roosevelt's policies (was president of united states from 1933-until the day he died -- he kept getting re-elected because of his progressive policies) and also look up thriving social democracies in much of europe today on google/youtube to get an idea of Bernie Sander's vision for the country

+significantly higher taxes on the billionaire/wealthy/corporate class
+free quality childcare
+free quality preschool
+best public education systems in the world
+1-2 months guaranteed paid time off
+free college/universities
+free quality healthcare
+higher living standard/higher wages/more unions
+less income and wealth inequality
+progressive legal system that rehabilitates citizens instead of ruining their lives
+jobs guarantee

etc. etc. etc.

we stick together and we run roughshod over the establishment and make real progress in this country. fukk this free for all system that oppresses the poor/working class (poor and working class is every skin color every sexual preference every gender etc.).

Bernie is 100% backed by small donors/everyday people, and by labor unions, he has no allies within the wealthy/corporate class, they hate his guts because of his policy agenda.

This is a rare opportunity in america for the poor/working class people to make real changes that dramatically impact their ability to get ahead and stay ahead.

Back during the gilded age, after slavery was abolished, there was a rare opportunity in the south for black folks and working class white folks to own acres and acres of land and commerce, but wealthy plutocrats used racial propaganda to split people up and caused them to fight each other over their racial differences--to their own detriment--instead of grouping together and taking what was rightfully theirs.

We have millions of years of history on record and it's scary how the same human behaviors lead to history repeating itself over and over again.

This is a rare opportunity, with a REAL progressive candidate to his bones, leading the movement to change all of that.
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Jun 6, 2012
New York
There isn't a single politician's agenda who benefits minorities/poor/etc. more than Bernie Sanders. Not a single one. Don't let the establishment politicians, the corporate media/press, the corporate democrats and their wealthy donors, etc. divide us up with identity politics.

e.g. bernie sanders isnt female enough, black enough, latin enough, gay enough, poor enough, young enough/old enough, american enough, etc. etc.

look up Franklin D. Roosevelt's policies (was president of united states from 1933-until the day he died -- he kept getting re-elected because of his progressive policies) and also look up thriving social democracies in much of europe today on google/youtube to get an idea of Bernie Sander's vision for the country

+significantly higher taxes on the billionaire/wealthy/corporate class
+free quality childcare
+free quality preschool
+best public education systems in the world
+1-2 months guaranteed paid time off
+free college/universities
+free quality healthcare
+higher living standard/higher wages/more unions
+less income and wealth inequality
+progressive legal system that rehabilitates citizens instead of ruining their lives
+jobs guarantee

etc. etc. etc.

we stick together and we run roughshod over the establishment and make real progress in this country. fukk this free for all system that oppresses the poor/working class (poor and working class is every skin color every sexual preference every gender etc.).

Bernie is 100% backed by small donors/everyday people, and by labor unions, he has no allies within the wealthy/corporate class, they hate his guts because of his policy agenda.

This is a rare opportunity in america for the poor/working class people to make real changes that dramatically impact their ability to get ahead and stay ahead.

Back during the gilded age, after slavery was abolished, there was a rare opportunity in the south for black folks and working class white folks to own acres and acres of land and commerce, but wealthy plutocrats used racial propaganda to split people up and caused them to fight each other over their racial differences--to their own detriment--instead of grouping together and taking what was rightfully theirs.

We have millions of years of history on record and it's scary how the same human behaviors lead to history repeating itself over and over again.

This is a rare opportunity, with a REAL progressive candidate to his bones, leading the movement to change all of that.
Well said. Let's go! :blessed:

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
There isn't a single politician's agenda who benefits minorities/poor/etc. more than Bernie Sanders. Not a single one. Don't let the establishment politicians, the corporate media/press, the corporate democrats and their wealthy donors, etc. divide us up with identity politics.

e.g. bernie sanders isnt female enough, black enough, latin enough, gay enough, poor enough, young enough/old enough, american enough, etc. etc.

look up Franklin D. Roosevelt's policies (was president of united states from 1933-until the day he died -- he kept getting re-elected because of his progressive policies) and also look up thriving social democracies in much of europe today on google/youtube to get an idea of Bernie Sander's vision for the country

+significantly higher taxes on the billionaire/wealthy/corporate class
+free quality childcare
+free quality preschool
+best public education systems in the world
+1-2 months guaranteed paid time off
+free college/universities
+free quality healthcare
+higher living standard/higher wages/more unions
+less income and wealth inequality
+progressive legal system that rehabilitates citizens instead of ruining their lives
+jobs guarantee

etc. etc. etc.

we stick together and we run roughshod over the establishment and make real progress in this country. fukk this free for all system that oppresses the poor/working class (poor and working class is every skin color every sexual preference every gender etc.).

Bernie is 100% backed by small donors/everyday people, and by labor unions, he has no allies within the wealthy/corporate class, they hate his guts because of his policy agenda.

This is a rare opportunity in america for the poor/working class people to make real changes that dramatically impact their ability to get ahead and stay ahead.

Back during the gilded age, after slavery was abolished, there was a rare opportunity in the south for black folks and working class white folks to own acres and acres of land and commerce, but wealthy plutocrats used racial propaganda to split people up and caused them to fight each other over their racial differences--to their own detriment--instead of grouping together and taking what was rightfully theirs.

We have millions of years of history on record and it's scary how the same human behaviors lead to history repeating itself over and over again.

This is a rare opportunity, with a REAL progressive candidate to his bones, leading the movement to change all of that.
Good post, but I want to push back on the notion that he's the only one. Liz has a more fleshed out and comprehensive leftist agenda that benefits the poor and minorities.

Her ultra wealth tax plan (2% on $50M+, 3% on $1B+) is more progressive and would do more to attack wealth inequality than any plan I've seen from Bernie (not even sure what Bernie's specific tax/wealth proposal is..."significantly higher" isn't good enough in 2019, need specifics). Her Universal Child Care proposal (federal government sets up and staffs child care centers to guarantee working parents - particularly mothers - child care options, child care is free for any family below 2x poverty level and caps out at 7% of income for all families) is more radical than anything I've seen from Bernie on this front (I don't think he's even addressed universal child care as of now). Her Accountable Capitalism Act (create Office of US Corporations to increased regulatory oversight for corporations with $1B+ in revenue, making those corporations adhere to federal corporate citizenship standards and making lawsuits against them easier, mandatory 40% of corporate boards elected by workers, limiting ability of execs to pump and dump their stock compensation, corporate political actions must be authorized by 75% of board and shareholders, etc) is more economically revolutionary than any plan I've seen from Bernie. Her Housing and Economic Mobility Act (new fund in HUD to give downpayment assistance to first time homebuyers from historically redlined communities, $2B for people who owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth, $445B for construction of 2 million affordable homes) does more to fix the housing crisis and close the racial wealth gap than any plan I've seen from Bernie. Her debt-free college education approach is actually more progressive than Bernie's free tuition approach because the poorest students often already have their tuition covered by grants, but still graduate in debt due to living expenses being higher than tuition. And on the two issue where Bernie is lead dog, she's right there with him (co-sponsor of M4A, supports GND).

I really like Bernie. I think his election would signify real change is taking place in this country. But Bernie's problem is that while his vision is right where it needs to be, he hasn't been strong on how to actually get there. This was his problem last run as well. It was hidden because he was running against neoliberalism personified, but now the party and the country has caught up with him, so he can't just rely on speaking truth, he needs to show how he'll implement it. Which is why his filibuster and Puerto Rico/DC statehood comments were so disheartening. Warren is the best candidate because she actually knows what power is and how to wield it. In order to enact real progressive change, the winner in 2020 will have to understand that the Presidency is an executive position, especially so in such partisan times, and Liz is running with that understanding. Her plans and proposals are factoring that in. Bernie's running like he'll have a unified progressive congress and judiciary to rubber stamp anything he puts up. He really doesn't even seem that interested in the executive branch. Again, he's great with the moral vision, but when it comes to actually enacting progressive change, I trust Liz way, way more to head up the executive, with all its nuances, which is really what the job of the Presidency entails. She knows the system better than Bernie does, and is smarter when it comes to dealing with it.


May 1, 2012
My biggest issue with Elizabeth Warren is that although her rhetoric is progressive she seems to have a foot on both sides of the fence. She touts medicare for all, but when she's asked about it, she tip toes around the subject and talks about a public option, or reducing the age to 55, etc. Bernie's plan is medicare for all as a right, free at the point of service [hard stop].

When Elizabeth Warren is asked about taking money from corporations, she says she won't during the primary, but will during the presidential election. She doesn't have a principaled enough stance on many of these important issues. And these are BIG red flags.

Elizabeth Warren is significantly better than someone like Hillary Clinton and most of the republican party, but she's nowhere near the progressive/populist/leftist that Bernie Sanders is. She's more of your typical moderate democrat who has some progressive policies on her agenda.

What we need is an outsider willing to knuckle up and take on the political establishment and the corporate class not someone who has a foot on both sides of the fence.
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Berniewood Hogan

Aug 1, 2012
Warren was a Republican who switched when it was convenient. Bernie has been a Red forever.


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
Warren was a Republican who switched when it was convenient. Bernie has been a Red forever.
She switched in 1996. Why was that a convenient point, the Republicans has assumed power in Congress and across the country? And Clinton was dirty as fukk.

Also, she wasn’t running for any elected office then so why was it convenient?

I’m not pro-Warren either, I just want us to think critically about this shyt instead of spreading falsehoods.