
Feb 28, 2018
I just donated again after this loss
me too.

Biden should count his lucky fukking stars that Obama chose him to be VP because he has done absolutely nothing to earn the votes he got. And let me be clear here, I'm not attempting to trash the black voters of SC. A lot of voters are "simple" voters. Many people are just out there surviving day to day and don't have the luxury to research political candidates, their voting records, etc. Obama is beloved and Biden was on Team Obama and it's just that simple. It doesn't matter that he lies about shyt, is clearly on a mental decline, he was apart of the Obama presidency and that carries a hell of a lout of clout amongst an older black electorate. This isn't to say that Bernie has done everything for black people, but he has certainly earned more of the older black vote (does well with young black voters) through his actions than he has received. I don't think I'm mad about Biden winning as much as I'm mad about how he hasn't even TRIED to earn the vote. Dude has literally slept walk through this entire fukking Primary while Berngawd is out there busting his fukking ass with historic level ground game. Like so many white people he just benefits from being in the right position and just sheer luck.