i just hope he can keep it within 5 points. SC does have too many conservative blacks, but it is what it is.
they aint that conservative and they agree with almost everything bernie is preaching. they just are scared. something happens when you get old and you start getting afraid of any type of change even if its for the better. because all you know is, the way you've been doing things got you to 65 years old. thats all you know. so why switch it up now, even if i go thru the years of your life. we will find out that doing it the same ole way got you less money over your life time and its probably one of the main reasons you're struggling now in your old retired age(if you're retired yet).
but it will take a few sit downs to talk to grams about that kind of stuff in that manner for her/him to be like OHHHH i see what you're saying. They are scared. its really that simple. but they wont admit it. i lowkey had a convo with my mother in law who's retired about biden vs bernie and the other centrist. and i lowlkey said she was scared. and she jumped quick "no No... i'm not scared." i then asked her a few questions to prove she wasnt scared and you could see in her face she knew, that i knew, she was scared and that she had no other Logical reason to even contemplate anyone outside of bernie. In addition, what human being likes to admit they are Marks/Food for the establishment and rich people. meaning they are easy targets to be tricked by constant Ads and MSNBC/CNN talking heads pushing propaganda. No one wants to admit they were tricked. This is the toughest part. You have to get over this hurdle. the first sign of recovery is when you admit you have a problem. what is your problem? you are food/a mark for the elite. they see you from a mile away, they already know how to trick you. they've been doing this for 30 years or so. you are light work for them. Admit it...And then ask how can you do a better job of catching the BS when you hear it and have some people assist you no matter your age. you can teach an old dog new tricks if the old dog is willing to learn them.
and it aint just old heads. 40+ year olds are so da... stuck in the old way of doing things even when they THINK they are doing something new, they are still on some nonsense that makes no logical sense. For example. the video below. Its the black guy that was the head of the firefighters union in South Bend (Mayor Pete's spot). he's talking to a journalist that did some investigative reporting about how pete convinced these black people in leadership to vote for him and support him and now they know better. Listen to this entire video. it seems as if the guy gets it right. And then he says some nonsense about supporting joe biden or some nonsense like that. Does that make any sense as a black person? NO. So what is wrong with some of us? It aint just black folks. people are EASILY fooled. this is what i'm learning about people watching these politics unfold. Super easy to be tricked. even when they think they have woken up, they are still asleep.