I’d rather this than imperialism spending.
once again. the bern goes the full mile. This is not a knock on liz this time. its just the reality we have to be honest about people. Unless yall are one of the ultra rich. What are we fighting about? what are we even going back and forth on. You and I both know there is only one person in this race. stop playing around. if you TRULy care about your fellow citizens. You know there is only one person to choose. now non of that means we will get ANy of these plans accomplished. these people are not going for king or king of the US. it doesnt work that way here. but what you should be looking at are two things. #1 how far do you think your candidate is willing to go for the people? I literally believe bernie would die on the stump trying to convince others to challenger the status quo and to challenge their elected officials on many of these issues.
Do i think warren would go that far? No because she's said a few things out of her own mouth that suggested she wouldnt be willing to go ....THAT far.
If this was a different era, and the 1% wasnt hoarding all of the money and the rest of us were not either homeless or a check away from being homeless or at best walking over the homeless as we go to work everyday. then warren would be a fine candidate. there is no time that pete would be an option. neither biden, nor amy, nor bloomberg.
But there is no room for playing now. we need to more or less get our civil rights on and lean on these politicians to make change happen. its that bad, we have reached that point. and they are leaving us with nothing else to do but that.
Why would bern come up with this all inclusive plan? and how is he going to pay for it (taxes)?
America is a very very rich country. like really really rich. there are a few people in this country who could literally hold up some states in american on their own and they would remain rich until they died. thats how much money is floating around out there in the US. the only issue is a lot of that money has been taken from the people by way of lobbying to make stealing legal.
If i some how lobbied congress to change the law on stealing to not include pick pockets. and then i picked your pocket and took your money. you wouldnt be able to do anything about it but complain to your elected officials and make sure they either dont get a vote the next time or they do something to change that law back, and while they are changing that law back they also add another law to make the pick pocket pay back the money they stole (pseudo legally).
its that simple. Yes the ultra rich can afford All of this stuff, they have THAT much money. that is what most people dont get. These dudes and ladies are balling like you can't even imagine. we hear the world billionaire so much now its the new word for millionaire. we think having 30 mil in the bank aint all that . like that person is almost living check to check. No, they aint.
Some of these people are worth multiple Oprahs and Beyonce's and Jay Z's. imagine being worth Multiple Oprahs.