im not a haliburton hater - but nba coverage likes to label him as some cp3 minded floor general when in reality that's straight up not the case yet lol...Haliburton some grade A mid
im not a haliburton hater - but nba coverage likes to label him as some cp3 minded floor general when in reality that's straight up not the case yet lol...Haliburton some grade A mid
YiiiikesNo I'm just making a point
You thought they were not on TV. I showed you they were. Nothing more or less
Take your L and move on
Trudeau announced a parade starting in Toronto and ending in New York with dinner at El Nuevo Bohio Lechonera for after we beat the DR next weekI heard the Caribana parade route is being closed off again to celebrate Canada beating New Zealand in an exhibition
YiiiiiikesSecond half about to start on a televised
Take your L and move along
Y I K E SI've been waiting over a decade to get a W on the internet. Please let me have this.
YiiiiiiiikesI really need a W. Lord knows I can't get one in any substantive basketball discussion. I'm also a punk motherfukker who beats women.