Rell Lauren
This Rangers defense continues to be a problem. If they hold on, that Igor save will have been pivotal. Pittsburgh came out of the locker room getting what they want.
Will McDavid be able to actually carry his team, or is he just another Canadian fraud?
I'm drunk, but all I know I'd GOATvechkin and Malkin are better. Hell, I'll take Mackinnon over him.
Boston is making this brother get drunk in the pre-game to make it through the game
Will McDavid be able to actually carry his team, or is he just another Canadian fraud?
I'm drunk, but all I know I'd GOATvechkin and Malkin are better. Hell, I'll take Mackinnon over him.
Are you Russian? What's up with the Canada vs. Russia posts? lol
You mean overrated v.s. truly elite posts?.
I'm a GOATvechkin and Malkin fan until the end..
But Wayne and Mario are Canadian and there's no dispute they are the best ever
i don't care either way just sayn