Is this a trend where people go to social media to accuse people of rape and sexual harrassment, instead of going to the police? I mean not to sound like a jerk but if your are a victim of sexual assault you should report the crime to authorities because just tweeting about is not going to do anything.
I mean yeah the person you're accusing may lose their job but who is the say they wont be rehired in the future. This just seems like some if the accuser's care more about ruining people's reputations then getting justice. Metoo has been around for three years and out of probably over 100 Actors, Musicians, Athletes, Politicians, etc who have been accused of sexual harassment or assault only maybe a handful if that have been arrested for the alleged crime. The others have just either been fired from their jobs and positions, quietly disappeared for a little and then came back into the public eye like as if nothing has happened or just continued to work.