She's had a pulse. Hugely disappointing that she's been ignored for the last month.
To me, she is clearly the candidate who would be the best president.
You are out of your fukking mind if you think Bloomberg is going to win a debate against Trump.
Swear to god he got the "I'm too rich for this sh*t..." face the entire time.Bloomberg's face says it all "Why are these peasants even allowed to speak to me like this?"
At this point the presidency, like most jobs isn't that hard or complex to do, if trump is able to do it.None of these people know much about Mexican cartels, besides maybe Biden, in a small sense, but that's ok, because they coordinate with Justice Department and US Attorney's Office, DEA, HSI, all that, as president. But, yeah, they wouldn't be able to find Sinaloa on a map.
Warren looks a high school teacher in a school in the hood who is overwhelmed.
Same dude I had a conversation with last week that said he was thinking of Bloomberg came in to my job.
Him: what you think about Bloomberg
Me: nothing
Him: why's that?
Me: I haven't heard him say 1 word. I don't think anything about him
Him: but what about all those commercials. Obama likes him
Me: that's just commercials..Obama a nice guy. I still ain't heard him say 1 word
Him: well my son was telling me he did us wrong in NY. Stopping us more than any other people.
Me: I heard
Anyway...point is, it's up to us youths to educate the old people.
These commercials can brainwash them