@Jimmy Two-Times™ 's Life Alert going off somewhere in his mom's basement. G-Unit can't even sniff an MTV stage in 2018
List of awards and nominations received by 50 Cent - Wikipedia
Won 86 awards
List of awards and nominations received by Eminem - Wikipedia
Won 151 awards
Why does Our Light & Saviour Gawdfather and Rap God Eminem have to prove themselves to plebs like you.

No emcee has had a such a strong debut record coupled with great run (at the top).
From 2002-2012 No artist sold more than 50 Cent except Eminem in the 00s. Not Michael Jackson, not no CAC rock group, no CAC bytch singing ballads -- nothing!! Just the Aftermath machine reigned supreme.

So what if they don't win an award in 2018 because this isn't even their generation dumbass.

You're acting like Gawdfather and Eminem just came out yesterday.
Why would they actually need further validation from the industry when they've already proved themselves.
Also, 50 Cent already has a platinum single this year and Eminem album went gold so what would a phony award give?
Gawdfather haters in 2018, man. Talmbout getting a life