jelly janela let her go

jelly janela let her go
Rollins also reportedly advised the Superstars to keep backstage company happenings to themselves in the future, and to not put the same on social media for the whole world to see
Of course it is, doesn't mean it's not perceived in the same manner on the totem pole.NXT is better than WWECW, cmon now
Ok, but it's definitely intriguing and unlike WWECW, Paulie L. aka KANG is behind itOf course it is, doesn't mean it's not perceived as in the same manner on the totem pole.
Using random jobbers when they have a roster full of underused talent
Remember how great Smackdown was? Well this is the exact opposite. I knew that they weren't going to let NXT look strong against Vince's crew, which is why this show has sucked donkey balls.Havent seen nothing besides the Lesnar attack. Show been legit or what??