This movie should be required viewing for anyone who starts working in an office.... A lot of it is closer to reality than you would think.
True story: I was working in a law firm a couple years after this movie came out. Every now and then, my co-worker would bring in his laptop and we'd play the movie while we ate lunch. Now we had what we called Conflicts reports, based on the research we did on potential clients for the firm. Depending on the company (we did a lot of work for large insurance companies), the reports would be MASSIVE, like almost 300-500 pages each. So we'd just send the requesting attorney an electronic copy, so he could filter out what he needed. But our idiot managing attorney, thought it would be a great idea to print these things out...

"I would just feel better knowing we had access to them when we need them" But we're NEVER going to need them, once the requesting attorney gets them! But she insisted. So one day a couple weeks later, we're watching Office Space, and it gets to the part about TPS reports, and it hit me and my man on some
and we looked at each other and slowly said "Conflicts Reprorts..." I was like "turn it off, man, this is hitting too close to home"