Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers gave his teammates an interesting Christmas gift last season, wide receiver Jordy Nelson told the Dan Patrick Show on Monday morning:
After initial prodding by Patrick, Nelson said the gifts were "way too inappropriate." When asked for some of Rodgers' "closest to appropriate" gifts, Nelson obliged.
"Last year [for Christmas] -- I don't know how to explain it --
it was an undergarment for men who might wear it if they were strippers," he said.
"So it was kind of a thong, kind of a Magic Mike-type outfit?" Patrick asked.
"Kind of yes,"
Nelson said. "And my question for him was, 'Did you actually stand in line and buy that, or did you buy it off line?' And he told me he stood in line, which ... I don't know if I can buy that."
Aaron Rodgers' Christmas gift for Packers teammates: male stripper things
What Straight man is standing in line to buy a thong for his Teammate for Christmas

and Nelson aint a Rookie when this happened this aint no rookie hazing type shyt