It’s Official, Police Lives Matter, MORE: Obama Signs “Blue Alert” Bill for Cops Who May be In Trouble
John Vibes on May 21, 2015
Washington DC – This week, President Obama signed a bill that will create a national alert system for the capture of anyone who hurts or makes a threat against a police officer. The new bill further solidifies the fact that the lives of police officers are seen as more valuable than that of the average citizen.
The new bill would create a system that would be comparable to the Amber Alerts used to find abducted children, but would likely be taken far more seriously.
USA Today Reports:
The law requires the Justice Department to create a notification system relating to assaults on police officers, officers who are missing in the line of duty, and credible treats against law enforcement. The system is modeled after Amber Alerts for abducted children and Silver
Alerts for missing seniors.
It’s the 12th bill Obama has signed into law so far this year.
Obama called the bill “the best of a bipartisan support for law enforcement.” It was so uncontroversial that it passed both the House and the Senate by voice vote.
“It’s important for us not only to honor their memory, it’s also important for us to make sure that we do everything we can to help ensure the safety of our police officers when they’re in the line of duty,” Obama said as he signed the bill.
The signing of this bill comes just after Obama passed another bill which actually limited the amount of military equipment that police departments are able to get, however, many are saying his measures are too little, too late.
Critics say that an alert of this style could lead to potential police state situations, with random lock-downs of entire cities, under the pretense that a police officer may be in danger.
The press conference where Obama signed the bill can be seen below:
YouTube Video