I *hate* how both he and the Baltimore mayor have came out and called people "thugs". Dog whistle shyt to make cacs feel like their racism is justified.
And honestly, he's late, once again.
There have been so many of these stories since Ferguson, Obama barely touched on them during his SotU address (When the country was still paying attention, he said like 3 sentences on it), and hasn't said shyt until now.
I don't think he's "our guy" and I really don't think he gives a shyt. Democrats have pitiful on this shyt, and it's because of the 2016 election, they don't want this to be an issue that they have to be expected to govern on, they are not better than the republicans in that they just want this all to "go away".
All I want is for somebody to make this a presidential election issue...most of our "leaders" seem to be scared to do it though.