I'm saying! Don't they got nukes too? How can the proprietor of Islamic radicalism have nuked but Iran can't?
Too many many things out of place... and we attack Iraq? Why?
don't even ask the US, London and the west how....
lol @ Israel remaining silent on maddddddddd SA fukkery. People are only 'labeled' bad and are attacked if we can't control, partner up, or benefit from them.
We did hoe Iran in the 60s and installed a puppet regime who turned their back against us which is all too familiar. However, they don't really care about us when their arch nemesis Saudi and Is Ra El is next door.
We can't bomb S.A because we owe our world dominance to them that OPEC Deal made us top dog in the world.
I feel like u already know all the answers to ur questions.
I mean think about it, the US shut down Serbia with ease, because they had nothing of monetary value. All those radical Serbs from Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, where are they? In jail or dead. Will it take another Sebrenica before we so no to Saudi Arabia?
It's funny when these people make all these thousands of post about this ideology, that islamic area, that christian area... that nation or this nation....
and they remain ignorant about what this shyt is all about. We need SA to help us make the world go round - so fukk it.. they can breed terror and kill women, or do whatever they want to do... We will keep on killing off the kadafis and saddams of the world to satisfy the masses.