This whole story sounds fishy
like other posters said it could be a scorned lover. She was obviously making moves and got whacked no pun intended.
the 13 year must’ve been gaming with some surround sound headphones to not hear the mom screaming. Stabbing someone is real intimate and 60 times!!??
She could have made a coup of this particular child and the child knew about the infidelity in the past. So he zoned out and went to sleep. As the younger child could have been groomed to not say anything regardless of the sounds.
It is already bogus she never made a trip and kept one kid. When the younger kid and her should have went to the college trip with the husband and older son. So that is speculation of dysfunction from jump.
When mother's check out of family shyt.
Ol girl not shyt. It is just in this instance.
she should not be harmed for her behavior tho.
Being someone who went through my daughter's mom's boyfriend.
Sneaking into my daughter's mom's room while she slept. All cause he was forced to sleep on the couch. Barricading all the entryways with heavy appliances and furniture. So she could not escape.
almost killing my daughter mom and stabbing her ninety times with nine fatal stab wounds in her sleep. Where she fled.
unclothed to pass out in the rain sewer drained street. With my daughter still in the crib.
[Not sure where my daughter was in this fray. All i know is,..i am glad my daughter is still here. Plus she was able to not show noticeable trauma after a bit to move forward after this. As i will never know what my daughter endured. As she was at that age. When they can not actually speak well but are cognitive.]
The number of wounds the lady took on in this. Leads me to speculate.
it was a former ex. With ties emotionally and in business to the husband. With probably a background from the divorce gen.
As he did not hurt the child in the home.
Whomever did it. Was in past relationships socially and emotionally with the woman and husband. Yet has a background from a broken home.
As he did not hurt or seek the child out to do them harm.
Just verbally call out the husband after the altercation.
plus wants to be caught. For this crime of passion. As he did nuffin to hide the crime at all and just dumped her body. When nyc has had a rash of killers caught after the pandemic. For poor disposal of murderous crimes involving slashings.
Art Bar