How do ya'll make groceries in NYC? Y'all really get on the train with all them bags of food like that? Do people get robbed for their groceries? If you just want to make a quick stop to get something to drink or get a cheeseburger you gotta get on the train?
I can't believe how stupid as shyt people are - are you really that dense?? Do you know wtf you are talking about or do you just get on here to hear yourself ask stupid shyt?

have you heard of walking?
grocery stores being within walking distance.
grocery delivery.
specialty butcher stores.
corner stores.
New York isn't another planet

you gotta be a 12 year old cac bc no black person is this damn out of touch and out of the loop.
Robbed, are you dumb? This idiot thinks there's a NYC robbery grocery squad waiting to hit up every man, woman and child that has groceries in their hand.
this fool said "if you want to make a quick stop and eat, what do you do?" he literally typed this out. I know this clown doesn't represent the average OT'er but he damn sure isn't helping - it's taking total self control for me not to go in on this dude and where he's from. fukkin goofy